Cost Per View / Total Views*
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Plan 01 02 03 04 05 06
Rates $2,000 $3,000 $5,000 $10,000 $20,000 $50,000
State & National Markets(Level 1)
Cost Per View(Total Views*) FREE / UNLIMITED
Micro Markets(Level 2)
Cost Per View(Total Views*) $0.16(12,500) $0.12(25,000) $0.08(62,500) $0.04(250,000) $0.02(1,000,000) $0.01(5,000,000)
Metro Markets(Level 3)
Cost Per View(Total Views*) $0.32(6,250) $0.24(12,500) $0.16(31,250) $0.08(125,000) $0.04(500,000) $0.02(2,500,000)
Interactive Maps(Level 4)
Cost Per View(Total Views*) $0.64(3,125) $0.48(6,250) $0.32(15,625) $0.16(62,500) $0.08(250,000) $0.04(1,250,000)
Ranked Lists(Level 5)
Cost Per View(Total Views*) $1.28(1,563) $0.96(3,125) $0.64(7,813) $0.32(31,250) $0.16(125,000) $0.08(625,000)
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