The most accurate local real estate market prediction system on planet Earth just got 10x better (Proof Below).
Don’t invest blindfolded…
Save thousands of dollars in marketing each month while reducing your time, effort, capital, risk and frustration by targeting “tomorrow’s” hottest markets TODAY!

No matter what the world threw at it, our algorithms predicted the wild boom/bust cycle of the last three years for virtually EVERY METROPOLITAN REAL ESTATE MARKET in the United States.
…and get this…
We were a year or more ahead in most cases.
Sound impossible?
Here’s some PROOF!
Market Outlook Predictor
2016 to 2023
This chart shows what you would have seen in May 2021 with no knowledge of the future except for our market predictor (the orange line) telling you A YEAR IN ADVANCE that Houston was ready to appreciate wildly.
1 As early as June 2020 – when the world was shutting down over Covid and real estate markets were in shock, our “Market Outlook” predictor (orange line) shot up higher than it had ever been.
2 Houston’s actual Home Price Appreciation (the blue line) remained flat for most of the next year leaving everyone else completely unaware of the coming opportunity.
3 For an entire year, while our system was indicating a strong market ahead, you could have been using this indicator to target better ROI opportunities with less risk, effort and capital.
A The orange predictor line, with its strong upward slope and scores in the green zone preceded the huge jump in Home Price Appreciation a FULL YEAR BEFORE IT HAPPENED.
B The orange predictor line’s slope went negative with lower scores in the summer of 2021. The blue Home Price Appreciation line started a similar ‘topping’ pattern 9 MONTHS LATER.
C The falling appreciation rates anticipated by the orange line were largely mirrored by the actual HPA blue line with a six-month time lag for much of 2022 and 2023.
D The orange indicator levelled off in 2023 with scores in the 40 to 50 zone, which generally indicates a good degree of market stability in the months ahead.

It’s also the most RELIABLE local market platform…
- Don't be caught off guard during tumultuous times!
- See through the fog of inventory shortages and supply disruptions!
- Trust your judgement even in the face of volatile markets and mortgage rates.
- Be confident in your markets despite all the fearmongering coming from every corner of social media.
More Proof:
You get the idea…
We have THOUSANDS of other examples, down to the county and zip code levels.

Would you have done things differently if YOU had advanced notice about YOUR market?
Would a year’s head-start (before it’s evident to others) provide a big competitive advantage for you, and significantly improve your risk management?
Want to invest more intelligently going forward?
Want tomorrow’s real estate today?
Now Here’s the deal…
We have several other new predictors you can customize for different property types, investing strategies and risk profiles.
We’ve developed the most advanced, easy-to-use all-in-one tool – the Precision Market Finder – that automates and maximizes the power of all this advanced data.
..and, we developed “Magic Buttons” that convert your personalized investing goals, strategies and risk profiles into actionable market maps and hot lists (in a single click).

Check this out...
- Want to see into the future and learn how to be in the right market at the right time?
- Want to avoid the pain & expense of bad markets that suck the life out of you?
A good buddy of mine created a short 5 minute video how YOU can glimpse into the future to pinpoint the best micro markets!
It will change how you think of real estate investing.
Doesn’t matter how you’re connected or what you do…
- Wholesale
- Fix & Flip
- Buy & Hold
- Multi Family
- Tax Sales
- Raw Land
- Creative Financing
- Builder – Developer
- Agent or Broker
- Lease Options
If seeing into the future for your local real estate market would help you succeed, check out this video while it’s still up...

We have been rolling out some amazing new micro market tools for Wholesalers and Rehabbers. Our Neighborhood Ranking tool alone should save you thousands a month in targeted acquisition and lead generation costs. Click here to buy now.