Real Estate has become a Financial Deathtrap for so many Investors and Homeowners… Harness the Only PROVEN Method to Create Generational Wealth in Today’s Volatile Markets.

YOUR real estate success is a function of knowing where to employ your time, talent and capital for the highest returns and the lowest risk and effort.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur porta luctus luctus. Quisque lacinia justo magna, sed faucibus urna bibendum quis. Phasellus nec blandit diam. Maecenas semper scelerisque metus a suscipit. Mauris at turpis malesuada, condimentum ex eu, egestas quam. Maecenas iaculis aliquet mi nec luctus. Praesent vel ante nisi. Morbi eu neque eget nisi dictum volutpat quis at enim. In sit amet sapien nec tortor posuere ultricies. Nulla ullamcorper, justo ut blandit posuere, ipsum ante pretium libero, sit amet consectetur nulla ante non tortor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus tortor sapien, sagittis eu iaculis ut, rutrum ac ex. Curabitur molestie consectetur tellus, fermentum vestibulum ligula pulvinar eu. Aenean congue, nunc a sollicitudin mollis, libero nulla iaculis justo, fringilla congue felis ex eu felis. Nulla quis scelerisque lectus. Duis nec lacus varius, viverra augue a, finibus dui. Quisque pellentesque mi mi, et finibus nulla venenatis nec. Morbi aliquam risus quis lorem mollis lacinia. Vestibulum libero ipsum, porttitor ac porttitor non, mattis sed nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam quis ex nec dolor commodo faucibus. Maecenas auctor interdum nisi. In blandit tincidunt purus, eu finibus nisl. Mauris sodales sagittis tortor ac malesuada. Morbi a mattis ex. Suspendisse sapien mi, porta vitae posuere non, porta vel sem. Morbi tempus, nunc at pellentesque dapibus, nisl urna semper libero, dapibus cursus lacus ligula ut purus. Curabitur blandit arcu et tortor rhoncus, eu suscipit leo dictum. Pellentesque malesuada vehicula facilisis. Morbi lobortis ex at mi blandit gravida. Curabitur in turpis neque. In placerat ac dui nec tempor. Cras justo urna, tincidunt eget egestas eget, vulputate ut nisl. Vestibulum ullamcorper pharetra ligula nec convallis. In volutpat justo in tellus cursus tempor sit amet eu ex. Ut auctor sapien in sem rhoncus tincidunt. Suspendisse a neque ut ligula aliquam maximus. Nullam in eleifend lorem. Aenean vel feugiat eros. Donec sed pulvinar purus, nec dapibus ligula. Suspendisse posuere placerat mauris, vel egestas augue efficitur eu. Pellentesque pellentesque tincidunt nisl et cursus. Fusce mollis, mauris non tincidunt porttitor, diam massa gravida tellus, convallis bibendum elit enim eu tortor. Vestibulum quis rhoncus lorem, non lobortis quam. Integer porta magna ac lorem scelerisque, non hendrerit lacus venenatis. Sed sit amet congue velit. Mauris et fringilla diam, vitae vulputate massa. Donec ex elit, rutrum ut placerat vitae, blandit ultricies ex. Donec dapibus tempus diam, a porta magna luctus in. Integer viverra molestie enim. Praesent euismod magna tellus, ac tempus urna viverra vitae. Mauris dignissim mi eu nibh mollis sollicitudin. Fusce ut ullamcorper dolor. Duis eget urna ultrices, fringilla ante non, fringilla lectus. Vivamus hendrerit nec odio ac sollicitudin. Pellentesque eleifend luctus nisi, vitae elementum quam. Ut vestibulum est purus, sit amet dapibus lectus commodo et. In in ex semper nisl malesuada porta et vitae purus. Quisque ultrices in magna et gravida. Sed hendrerit nisl purus, id ullamcorper erat sollicitudin in. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam egestas nibh lorem, ut facilisis velit interdum eu. Proin gravida urna eget odio fermentum tristique. Cras at libero id quam bibendum posuere. Praesent eget vehicula sapien. Morbi bibendum faucibus risus ut vestibulum. Sed auctor eget libero eu viverra.Buy & Hold / Landlords
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur porta luctus luctus. Quisque lacinia justo magna, sed faucibus urna bibendum quis. Phasellus nec blandit diam. Maecenas semper scelerisque metus a suscipit. Mauris at turpis malesuada, condimentum ex eu, egestas quam. Maecenas iaculis aliquet mi nec luctus. Praesent vel ante nisi. Morbi eu neque eget nisi dictum volutpat quis at enim. In sit amet sapien nec tortor posuere ultricies. Nulla ullamcorper, justo ut blandit posuere, ipsum ante pretium libero, sit amet consectetur nulla ante non tortor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus tortor sapien, sagittis eu iaculis ut, rutrum ac ex. Curabitur molestie consectetur tellus, fermentum vestibulum ligula pulvinar eu. Aenean congue, nunc a sollicitudin mollis, libero nulla iaculis justo, fringilla congue felis ex eu felis. Nulla quis scelerisque lectus. Duis nec lacus varius, viverra augue a, finibus dui. Quisque pellentesque mi mi, et finibus nulla venenatis nec. Morbi aliquam risus quis lorem mollis lacinia. Vestibulum libero ipsum, porttitor ac porttitor non, mattis sed nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam quis ex nec dolor commodo faucibus. Maecenas auctor interdum nisi. In blandit tincidunt purus, eu finibus nisl. Mauris sodales sagittis tortor ac malesuada. Morbi a mattis ex. Suspendisse sapien mi, porta vitae posuere non, porta vel sem. Morbi tempus, nunc at pellentesque dapibus, nisl urna semper libero, dapibus cursus lacus ligula ut purus. Curabitur blandit arcu et tortor rhoncus, eu suscipit leo dictum. Pellentesque malesuada vehicula facilisis. Morbi lobortis ex at mi blandit gravida. Curabitur in turpis neque. In placerat ac dui nec tempor. Cras justo urna, tincidunt eget egestas eget, vulputate ut nisl. Vestibulum ullamcorper pharetra ligula nec convallis. In volutpat justo in tellus cursus tempor sit amet eu ex. Ut auctor sapien in sem rhoncus tincidunt. Suspendisse a neque ut ligula aliquam maximus. Nullam in eleifend lorem. Aenean vel feugiat eros. Donec sed pulvinar purus, nec dapibus ligula. Suspendisse posuere placerat mauris, vel egestas augue efficitur eu. Pellentesque pellentesque tincidunt nisl et cursus. Fusce mollis, mauris non tincidunt porttitor, diam massa gravida tellus, convallis bibendum elit enim eu tortor. Vestibulum quis rhoncus lorem, non lobortis quam. Integer porta magna ac lorem scelerisque, non hendrerit lacus venenatis. Sed sit amet congue velit. Mauris et fringilla diam, vitae vulputate massa. Donec ex elit, rutrum ut placerat vitae, blandit ultricies ex. Donec dapibus tempus diam, a porta magna luctus in. Integer viverra molestie enim. Praesent euismod magna tellus, ac tempus urna viverra vitae. Mauris dignissim mi eu nibh mollis sollicitudin. Fusce ut ullamcorper dolor. Duis eget urna ultrices, fringilla ante non, fringilla lectus. Vivamus hendrerit nec odio ac sollicitudin. Pellentesque eleifend luctus nisi, vitae elementum quam. Ut vestibulum est purus, sit amet dapibus lectus commodo et. In in ex semper nisl malesuada porta et vitae purus. Quisque ultrices in magna et gravida. Sed hendrerit nisl purus, id ullamcorper erat sollicitudin in. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam egestas nibh lorem, ut facilisis velit interdum eu. Proin gravida urna eget odio fermentum tristique. Cras at libero id quam bibendum posuere. Praesent eget vehicula sapien. Morbi bibendum faucibus risus ut vestibulum. Sed auctor eget libero eu viverra.Real Estate Agents & Brokers
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur porta luctus luctus. Quisque lacinia justo magna, sed faucibus urna bibendum quis. Phasellus nec blandit diam. Maecenas semper scelerisque metus a suscipit. Mauris at turpis malesuada, condimentum ex eu, egestas quam. Maecenas iaculis aliquet mi nec luctus. Praesent vel ante nisi. Morbi eu neque eget nisi dictum volutpat quis at enim. In sit amet sapien nec tortor posuere ultricies. Nulla ullamcorper, justo ut blandit posuere, ipsum ante pretium libero, sit amet consectetur nulla ante non tortor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus tortor sapien, sagittis eu iaculis ut, rutrum ac ex. Curabitur molestie consectetur tellus, fermentum vestibulum ligula pulvinar eu. Aenean congue, nunc a sollicitudin mollis, libero nulla iaculis justo, fringilla congue felis ex eu felis. Nulla quis scelerisque lectus. Duis nec lacus varius, viverra augue a, finibus dui. Quisque pellentesque mi mi, et finibus nulla venenatis nec. Morbi aliquam risus quis lorem mollis lacinia. Vestibulum libero ipsum, porttitor ac porttitor non, mattis sed nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam quis ex nec dolor commodo faucibus. Maecenas auctor interdum nisi. In blandit tincidunt purus, eu finibus nisl. Mauris sodales sagittis tortor ac malesuada. Morbi a mattis ex. Suspendisse sapien mi, porta vitae posuere non, porta vel sem. Morbi tempus, nunc at pellentesque dapibus, nisl urna semper libero, dapibus cursus lacus ligula ut purus. Curabitur blandit arcu et tortor rhoncus, eu suscipit leo dictum. Pellentesque malesuada vehicula facilisis. Morbi lobortis ex at mi blandit gravida. Curabitur in turpis neque. In placerat ac dui nec tempor. Cras justo urna, tincidunt eget egestas eget, vulputate ut nisl. Vestibulum ullamcorper pharetra ligula nec convallis. In volutpat justo in tellus cursus tempor sit amet eu ex. Ut auctor sapien in sem rhoncus tincidunt. Suspendisse a neque ut ligula aliquam maximus. Nullam in eleifend lorem. Aenean vel feugiat eros. Donec sed pulvinar purus, nec dapibus ligula. Suspendisse posuere placerat mauris, vel egestas augue efficitur eu. Pellentesque pellentesque tincidunt nisl et cursus. Fusce mollis, mauris non tincidunt porttitor, diam massa gravida tellus, convallis bibendum elit enim eu tortor. Vestibulum quis rhoncus lorem, non lobortis quam. Integer porta magna ac lorem scelerisque, non hendrerit lacus venenatis. Sed sit amet congue velit. Mauris et fringilla diam, vitae vulputate massa. Donec ex elit, rutrum ut placerat vitae, blandit ultricies ex. Donec dapibus tempus diam, a porta magna luctus in. Integer viverra molestie enim. Praesent euismod magna tellus, ac tempus urna viverra vitae. Mauris dignissim mi eu nibh mollis sollicitudin. Fusce ut ullamcorper dolor. Duis eget urna ultrices, fringilla ante non, fringilla lectus. Vivamus hendrerit nec odio ac sollicitudin. Pellentesque eleifend luctus nisi, vitae elementum quam. Ut vestibulum est purus, sit amet dapibus lectus commodo et. In in ex semper nisl malesuada porta et vitae purus. Quisque ultrices in magna et gravida. Sed hendrerit nisl purus, id ullamcorper erat sollicitudin in. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam egestas nibh lorem, ut facilisis velit interdum eu. Proin gravida urna eget odio fermentum tristique. Cras at libero id quam bibendum posuere. Praesent eget vehicula sapien. Morbi bibendum faucibus risus ut vestibulum. Sed auctor eget libero eu viverra.Multi-Family / Commercial
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur porta luctus luctus. Quisque lacinia justo magna, sed faucibus urna bibendum quis. Phasellus nec blandit diam. Maecenas semper scelerisque metus a suscipit. Mauris at turpis malesuada, condimentum ex eu, egestas quam. Maecenas iaculis aliquet mi nec luctus. Praesent vel ante nisi. Morbi eu neque eget nisi dictum volutpat quis at enim. In sit amet sapien nec tortor posuere ultricies. Nulla ullamcorper, justo ut blandit posuere, ipsum ante pretium libero, sit amet consectetur nulla ante non tortor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus tortor sapien, sagittis eu iaculis ut, rutrum ac ex. Curabitur molestie consectetur tellus, fermentum vestibulum ligula pulvinar eu. Aenean congue, nunc a sollicitudin mollis, libero nulla iaculis justo, fringilla congue felis ex eu felis. Nulla quis scelerisque lectus. Duis nec lacus varius, viverra augue a, finibus dui. Quisque pellentesque mi mi, et finibus nulla venenatis nec. Morbi aliquam risus quis lorem mollis lacinia. Vestibulum libero ipsum, porttitor ac porttitor non, mattis sed nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam quis ex nec dolor commodo faucibus. Maecenas auctor interdum nisi. In blandit tincidunt purus, eu finibus nisl. Mauris sodales sagittis tortor ac malesuada. Morbi a mattis ex. Suspendisse sapien mi, porta vitae posuere non, porta vel sem. Morbi tempus, nunc at pellentesque dapibus, nisl urna semper libero, dapibus cursus lacus ligula ut purus. Curabitur blandit arcu et tortor rhoncus, eu suscipit leo dictum. Pellentesque malesuada vehicula facilisis. Morbi lobortis ex at mi blandit gravida. Curabitur in turpis neque. In placerat ac dui nec tempor. Cras justo urna, tincidunt eget egestas eget, vulputate ut nisl. Vestibulum ullamcorper pharetra ligula nec convallis. In volutpat justo in tellus cursus tempor sit amet eu ex. Ut auctor sapien in sem rhoncus tincidunt. Suspendisse a neque ut ligula aliquam maximus. Nullam in eleifend lorem. Aenean vel feugiat eros. Donec sed pulvinar purus, nec dapibus ligula. Suspendisse posuere placerat mauris, vel egestas augue efficitur eu. Pellentesque pellentesque tincidunt nisl et cursus. Fusce mollis, mauris non tincidunt porttitor, diam massa gravida tellus, convallis bibendum elit enim eu tortor. Vestibulum quis rhoncus lorem, non lobortis quam. Integer porta magna ac lorem scelerisque, non hendrerit lacus venenatis. Sed sit amet congue velit. Mauris et fringilla diam, vitae vulputate massa. Donec ex elit, rutrum ut placerat vitae, blandit ultricies ex. Donec dapibus tempus diam, a porta magna luctus in. Integer viverra molestie enim. Praesent euismod magna tellus, ac tempus urna viverra vitae. Mauris dignissim mi eu nibh mollis sollicitudin. Fusce ut ullamcorper dolor. Duis eget urna ultrices, fringilla ante non, fringilla lectus. Vivamus hendrerit nec odio ac sollicitudin. Pellentesque eleifend luctus nisi, vitae elementum quam. Ut vestibulum est purus, sit amet dapibus lectus commodo et. In in ex semper nisl malesuada porta et vitae purus. Quisque ultrices in magna et gravida. Sed hendrerit nisl purus, id ullamcorper erat sollicitudin in. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam egestas nibh lorem, ut facilisis velit interdum eu. Proin gravida urna eget odio fermentum tristique. Cras at libero id quam bibendum posuere. Praesent eget vehicula sapien. Morbi bibendum faucibus risus ut vestibulum. Sed auctor eget libero eu viverra.For true real estate wealth you must target hot MARKETS, not hot DEALS.

We track, analyze and score the Real Estate Market down to the NEIGHBORHOOD LEVEL.
Get The Market's Pulse Per: Region, State, City, County, Even Zip Code!
Current Market Conditions
TTLCurrent Market Conditions
The charts and indicators on this page represent the most currently available SUMMARY information for the USA and a sampling of select "Strong" and "Weak" States and Regions.
The market analysis tools you see here are known as "Technical Analysis" (or TA) Studies.
There are two ways to analyze any market: by its 'Fundamental' attributes or by its 'Technical' charts.
Until 2006 (when HousingAlerts.com first became publicly available)the data and tools for implementing TA for LOCAL real estate markets simply did not exist.
Before TA (and HousingAlerts.com) real estate investors had to rely on old, outdated and inaccurate Fundamental Analysis (FA) because there was no alternative.
TA is visual, relying on Supply and Demand charts because these charts also track the most important and most elusive driver of future price trends: Market Psychology.
TA has become the dominant methodology for predicting stock, bond, commodity, and currency market cycles worldwide and is used by ALL major investment banks and international trading desks as the underlying basis for TRILLIONS of dollars in DAILY investment transactions.
Long Term Real Estate Cycles
TTLReal Estate Cycle Charts

Charts showing the annual appreciation or decline in real estate values over time are visual snapshots of Supply and Demand forces in action. Technical Analysis (TA) relies on these charts because they accurately reflect what ACTUALLY happened.
The practice of TA consists of what are called "Studies" - different sets of calculations and algorithms proven over time. These Studies include Market Psychologythe most powerful driver of all.
Because real estate is so cyclical (compared to the Stock Marketfor example)relatively simple Studies can be used to accurately track local markets.
Long Term Real Estate Cycles
USA Overall
Current Market Conditions
TTLCurrent Market Conditions
The charts and indicators on this page represent the most currently available SUMMARY information for the USA and a sampling of select "Strong" and "Weak" States and Regions.
The market analysis tools you see here are known as "Technical Analysis" (or TA) Studies.
There are two ways to analyze any market: by its 'Fundamental' attributes or by its 'Technical' charts.
Until 2006 (when HousingAlerts.com first became publicly available)the data and tools for implementing TA for LOCAL real estate markets simply did not exist.
Before TA (and HousingAlerts.com) real estate investors had to rely on old, outdated and inaccurate Fundamental Analysis (FA) because there was no alternative.
TA is visual, relying on Supply and Demand charts because these charts also track the most important and most elusive driver of future price trends: Market Psychology.
TA has become the dominant methodology for predicting stock, bond, commodity, and currency market cycles worldwide and is used by ALL major investment banks and international trading desks as the underlying basis for TRILLIONS of dollars in DAILY investment transactions.
Technical Analysis Point Score
TTLT.A.P.S. Indicators

The T.A.P.S. (Technical Analysis Point Score) indicator is an easy to understand, graphical way to show the results of complex Technical Analysis (TA) 'Studies.'.
The simple 'slider ball' can move a total of five notches starting from far left (Weak) to far right (Strong).
If the ball position has moved since the prior period, it will have a series of arrows behind it. If the arrows are on the left, that signifies a move from the left, from a weaker to a stronger position, and vice-versa.
Each detailed TA Study has its own slider ball indicator and consists of dozens to hundreds of individual calculations (collectively referred to as 'algorithms').
These detailed algorithms are aggregated and weighted to produce higher level Summary slider indicators until the top-level, overall score is attained.
Raw Score Map
TTLCurrent Market Conditions
The charts and indicators on this page represent the most currently available SUMMARY information for the USA and a sampling of select "Strong" and "Weak" States and Regions.
The market analysis tools you see here are known as "Technical Analysis" (or TA) Studies.
There are two ways to analyze any market: by its 'Fundamental' attributes or by its 'Technical' charts.
Until 2006 (when HousingAlerts.com first became publicly available)the data and tools for implementing TA for LOCAL real estate markets simply did not exist.
Before TA (and HousingAlerts.com) real estate investors had to rely on old, outdated and inaccurate Fundamental Analysis (FA) because there was no alternative.
TA is visual, relying on Supply and Demand charts because these charts also track the most important and most elusive driver of future price trends: Market Psychology.
TA has become the dominant methodology for predicting stock, bond, commodity, and currency market cycles worldwide and is used by ALL major investment banks and international trading desks as the underlying basis for TRILLIONS of dollars in DAILY investment transactions.
TTLMomentum (S.T.A.R.) Map Indicators
1) Higher Scores indicate positive market momentum but do not necessarily signal an investable market.
2) Low scores never indicate an investable market.
3) Obtain full detailed micro market, Wealth Phase and emerging market analysis.

(STAR) Market Momentum - Raw Score Map

Percentile Score Map
TTLCurrent Market Conditions
The charts and indicators on this page represent the most currently available SUMMARY information for the USA and a sampling of select "Strong" and "Weak" States and Regions.
The market analysis tools you see here are known as "Technical Analysis" (or TA) Studies.
There are two ways to analyze any market: by its 'Fundamental' attributes or by its 'Technical' charts.
Until 2006 (when HousingAlerts.com first became publicly available)the data and tools for implementing TA for LOCAL real estate markets simply did not exist.
Before TA (and HousingAlerts.com) real estate investors had to rely on old, outdated and inaccurate Fundamental Analysis (FA) because there was no alternative.
TA is visual, relying on Supply and Demand charts because these charts also track the most important and most elusive driver of future price trends: Market Psychology.
TA has become the dominant methodology for predicting stock, bond, commodity, and currency market cycles worldwide and is used by ALL major investment banks and international trading desks as the underlying basis for TRILLIONS of dollars in DAILY investment transactions.
TTLMomentum (S.T.A.R.) Map Indicators
1) Higher Scores indicate positive market momentum but do not necessarily signal an investable market.
2) Low scores never indicate an investable market.
3) Obtain full detailed micro market, Wealth Phase and emerging market analysis.

(STAR) Market Momentum - Percentile Score Map

Momentum (STAR) Indicators
![]() |
Raw Score Map
TTLCurrent Market Conditions
The charts and indicators on this page represent the most currently available SUMMARY information for the USA and a sampling of select "Strong" and "Weak" States and Regions.
The market analysis tools you see here are known as "Technical Analysis" (or TA) Studies.
There are two ways to analyze any market: by its 'Fundamental' attributes or by its 'Technical' charts.
Until 2006 (when HousingAlerts.com first became publicly available)the data and tools for implementing TA for LOCAL real estate markets simply did not exist.
Before TA (and HousingAlerts.com) real estate investors had to rely on old, outdated and inaccurate Fundamental Analysis (FA) because there was no alternative.
TA is visual, relying on Supply and Demand charts because these charts also track the most important and most elusive driver of future price trends: Market Psychology.
TA has become the dominant methodology for predicting stock, bond, commodity, and currency market cycles worldwide and is used by ALL major investment banks and international trading desks as the underlying basis for TRILLIONS of dollars in DAILY investment transactions.
TTLTechnical Analysis (T.A.P.S.) Map Indicators
1) Higher Scores indicate market strength.
2) Low scores indicate flat, declining or otherwise crummy investment markets.
3) If both S.T.A.R. and T.A.P.S. indicators are Orange/Red, check Wealth Phase Indicator for confirmation market is investable.
4) Rank against other investable markets.
5) Obtain full detailed micro market, Wealth Phase and emerging market analysis.

(TAPS) Technical Analysis - Raw Score Map

Percentile Score Map
TTLCurrent Market Conditions
The charts and indicators on this page represent the most currently available SUMMARY information for the USA and a sampling of select "Strong" and "Weak" States and Regions.
The market analysis tools you see here are known as "Technical Analysis" (or TA) Studies.
There are two ways to analyze any market: by its 'Fundamental' attributes or by its 'Technical' charts.
Until 2006 (when HousingAlerts.com first became publicly available)the data and tools for implementing TA for LOCAL real estate markets simply did not exist.
Before TA (and HousingAlerts.com) real estate investors had to rely on old, outdated and inaccurate Fundamental Analysis (FA) because there was no alternative.
TA is visual, relying on Supply and Demand charts because these charts also track the most important and most elusive driver of future price trends: Market Psychology.
TA has become the dominant methodology for predicting stock, bond, commodity, and currency market cycles worldwide and is used by ALL major investment banks and international trading desks as the underlying basis for TRILLIONS of dollars in DAILY investment transactions.
TTLTechnical Analysis (T.A.P.S.) Map Indicators
1) Higher Scores indicate market strength.
2) Low scores indicate flat, declining or otherwise crummy investment markets.
3) If both S.T.A.R. and T.A.P.S. indicators are Orange/Red, check Wealth Phase Indicator for confirmation market is investable.
4) Rank against other investable markets.
5) Obtain full detailed micro market, Wealth Phase and emerging market analysis.

(TAPS) Technical Analysis - Percentile Score Map

Technical Analysis (TAPS) Indicators
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Here are a few of the AMAZING TOOLS you will have access to with HousingAlerts!

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Thanks. I have watched this twice to fully retain for better/future investing. Wish I had read this back in 2008 when I lost many hundred thousands.