The percentage of all listings experiencing a decline in listing price.
The number of properties for sale per 10,000 population in that market.
Spot data for a specific time period and market.
The average price of all properties listed during the month.
The median number of days between a property’s listing and when it is noted as ‘sold’ or ‘off the market'.
The median price of all properties listed during the month.
The median size of all properties listed during the month.
The median price per square foot of all properties listed during the month.
The current month’s percent increase or decrease in the actual data compared to the prior month.
Active Listings for current month divided by Sold + Expired listings from prior month.
Properties newly listed for sale per 10,000 population in that market.
Some indicators (i.e. - Home Price Appreciation rates) are only available as "RAW" scores while others (i.e. - Hot Market Scores) are only available in percentile RANK format.
Micro Markets (counties, zip codes & neighborhoods) typically do not have enough data to produce a statistically valid RAW score, so we use the 'Parent' Market's RAW score.
The number of properties listed as ‘sale pending’ per 10,000 population in that market.
Pending sales as a percentage of all Active listings.
Number of properties with list price lowered per 10,000 population.
Number of properties with list price increases per 10,000 population.
PERCENTILE RANKINGS are expressed as a score from ‘0’ (weakest) to ‘99’ (strongest) for that specific indicator. For example, a score of ‘93’ means THAT market scored higher (stronger) than 93% of all similar U.S. markets. Percentile rankings are useful for measuring RELATIVE performance BETWEEN markets, not for measuring the absolute performance.
RAW Score reports the actual numerical value for that particular indicator. Raw scores do not rank or compare a market’s score against any other market; multiple markets could have the same or similar raw scores.
When the indicator itself is a combination of other indicators (such as the Raw Master Score) the raw score measures the absolute performance based on that indicator’s historical range, normalized using a '0' to '99' scale (99 being the 'strongest').
Number of monthly sold and expired listings per 10,000 population.
Total Listings = all Active and Pending Listings, per 10,000 population in that market.
The current month’s percent increase or decrease in the actual data compared to the same month in the previous year.