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County Ranking Scores For: Marion County, FL

Percentile Ranking Scores

Most market indicators are ranked from strongest ('99') to weakest ('0') on a percentile basis. The score represents that market's RANK compared to all markets nationwide.

Percentile Ranks are useful for measuring RELATIVE performance BETWEEN markets, not for measuring the absolute performance of a market. Use the RAW scores when deciding to enter/exit or price an offer. Use Percentile Rank when choosing between several markets.

The background color indicates it's ranking compared to all such markets on a percentile basis nationwide. Dark green is the 'highest' ranking, dark red is the lowest.

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Hot Market Score

The Hot Market Score RANK uses proprietary algorithms to score and rank each market relative to all other markets nationwide on a scale of 0 to 99 (99 = strongest, most vibrant).

It combines the TAPS, STAR and other indicators into a single score and is the best single indicator (if you only want to look at ONE scoring element) to compare any market against all other markets.

Hot Market Score Rank (pct) Hot Mkt Score HMS

Hot Market Score

The Hot Market Score RANK uses proprietary algorithms to score and rank each market relative to all other markets nationwide on a scale of 0 to 99 (99 = strongest, most vibrant).

It combines the TAPS, STAR and other indicators into a single score and is the best single indicator (if you only want to look at ONE scoring element) to compare any market against all other markets.

45% Hot Market Score Rank (pct) Hot Mkt Score HMS

Hot Market Score

The Hot Market Score RANK uses proprietary algorithms to score and rank each market relative to all other markets nationwide on a scale of 0 to 99 (99 = strongest, most vibrant).

It combines the TAPS, STAR and other indicators into a single score and is the best single indicator (if you only want to look at ONE scoring element) to compare any market against all other markets.

Hot Market + Cash Flow Score (Percentile)

This indicator combines a micro-market's cash flow potential AND its potential for appreciation. The combined score is expressed as a Percentile from '0' (weakest) to '99' (strongest). For example, a score of '93' means THAT micro market scored higher (stronger) than 93% of all similar U.S. micro markets.

Hot Market + Cash Flow Score (pct) Hot Mkt + CF Score HMCF

Hot Market + Cash Flow Score (Percentile)

This indicator combines a micro-market's cash flow potential AND its potential for appreciation. The combined score is expressed as a Percentile from '0' (weakest) to '99' (strongest). For example, a score of '93' means THAT micro market scored higher (stronger) than 93% of all similar U.S. micro markets.

59% Hot Market + Cash Flow Score (pct) Hot Mkt + CF Score HMCF

Hot Market + Cash Flow Score (Percentile)

This indicator combines a micro-market's cash flow potential AND its potential for appreciation. The combined score is expressed as a Percentile from '0' (weakest) to '99' (strongest). For example, a score of '93' means THAT micro market scored higher (stronger) than 93% of all similar U.S. micro markets.

Median Home

This is the estimated median house value of all Single Family Residential (SFR) properties in that market, compared to the median value of all other markets nationwide, ranked on a percentile basis. Highest priced homes are assigned the lowest percentile scores; the highest score (99) indicates the lowest median home values nationwide.

Median Home (pct) Median Home MED

Median Home

This is the estimated median house value of all Single Family Residential (SFR) properties in that market, compared to the median value of all other markets nationwide, ranked on a percentile basis. Highest priced homes are assigned the lowest percentile scores; the highest score (99) indicates the lowest median home values nationwide.

32% Median Home (pct) Median Home MED

Median Home

This is the estimated median house value of all Single Family Residential (SFR) properties in that market, compared to the median value of all other markets nationwide, ranked on a percentile basis. Highest priced homes are assigned the lowest percentile scores; the highest score (99) indicates the lowest median home values nationwide.

Median Rent (pct)

Rental rates for single family homes can vary significantly based on location, size, age, amenities and condition of the property. The percentile score shown here is the relative ranking of this zip code's median monthly rent compared to all other zip codes nationwide.

Percentile scores range from 0 to 99; the higher the score, the higher the median rent relative to all other zip codes.

Median Rent (pct) Median Rent MR

Median Rent (pct)

Rental rates for single family homes can vary significantly based on location, size, age, amenities and condition of the property. The percentile score shown here is the relative ranking of this zip code's median monthly rent compared to all other zip codes nationwide.

Percentile scores range from 0 to 99; the higher the score, the higher the median rent relative to all other zip codes.

13% Median Rent (pct) Median Rent MR

Median Rent (pct)

Rental rates for single family homes can vary significantly based on location, size, age, amenities and condition of the property. The percentile score shown here is the relative ranking of this zip code's median monthly rent compared to all other zip codes nationwide.

Percentile scores range from 0 to 99; the higher the score, the higher the median rent relative to all other zip codes.

Rent Growth

A high percentile score (99 is highest) score means SFR rent rates have been increasing more in this market, RELATIVE to all markets nationwide.

Rent Growth (pct) Rent Growth RG

Rent Growth

A high percentile score (99 is highest) score means SFR rent rates have been increasing more in this market, RELATIVE to all markets nationwide.

79% Rent Growth (pct) Rent Growth RG

Rent Growth

A high percentile score (99 is highest) score means SFR rent rates have been increasing more in this market, RELATIVE to all markets nationwide.

Cash Flow Score (Percentile)

The Cash Flow Ranking score is determined by dividing this zip code's median rent by its median home value, then ranking that score relative to all other zip codes nationwide on a scale of 0 to 99. The higher the percentile score the greater the likelihood of positive cash flow.

Note: Many factors other than median rent can affect cash flow, including vacancy, repairs, operating expenses, and management.

Cash Flow (pct) Cash Flow CF

Cash Flow Score (Percentile)

The Cash Flow Ranking score is determined by dividing this zip code's median rent by its median home value, then ranking that score relative to all other zip codes nationwide on a scale of 0 to 99. The higher the percentile score the greater the likelihood of positive cash flow.

Note: Many factors other than median rent can affect cash flow, including vacancy, repairs, operating expenses, and management.

68% Cash Flow (pct) Cash Flow CF

Cash Flow Score (Percentile)

The Cash Flow Ranking score is determined by dividing this zip code's median rent by its median home value, then ranking that score relative to all other zip codes nationwide on a scale of 0 to 99. The higher the percentile score the greater the likelihood of positive cash flow.

Note: Many factors other than median rent can affect cash flow, including vacancy, repairs, operating expenses, and management.

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Matching your investing tactics and strategies to your local real estate market trends produces more deals with less risk, effort, and capital. Your micro market intelligence finds and targets those needle-in-a-haystack opportunities and dramatically increases your ROI while slashing your upfront acquisition and marketing costs. Learn more...

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County Ranking Scores For: Marion County, FL

Percentile Ranking Scores

Most market indicators are ranked from strongest ('99') to weakest ('0') on a percentile basis. The score represents that market's RANK compared to all markets nationwide.

Percentile Ranks are useful for measuring RELATIVE performance BETWEEN markets, not for measuring the absolute performance of a market. Use the RAW scores when deciding to enter/exit or price an offer. Use Percentile Rank when choosing between several markets.

The background color indicates it's ranking compared to all such markets on a percentile basis nationwide. Dark green is the 'highest' ranking, dark red is the lowest.

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Hot Market Score

The Hot Market Score RANK uses proprietary algorithms to score and rank each market relative to all other markets nationwide on a scale of 0 to 99 (99 = strongest, most vibrant).

It combines the TAPS, STAR and other indicators into a single score and is the best single indicator (if you only want to look at ONE scoring element) to compare any market against all other markets.

Hot Market Score Rank (pct) Hot Mkt Score HMS

Hot Market Score

The Hot Market Score RANK uses proprietary algorithms to score and rank each market relative to all other markets nationwide on a scale of 0 to 99 (99 = strongest, most vibrant).

It combines the TAPS, STAR and other indicators into a single score and is the best single indicator (if you only want to look at ONE scoring element) to compare any market against all other markets.

45% Hot Market Score Rank (pct) Hot Mkt Score HMS

Hot Market Score

The Hot Market Score RANK uses proprietary algorithms to score and rank each market relative to all other markets nationwide on a scale of 0 to 99 (99 = strongest, most vibrant).

It combines the TAPS, STAR and other indicators into a single score and is the best single indicator (if you only want to look at ONE scoring element) to compare any market against all other markets.

Hot Market + Cash Flow Score (Percentile)

This indicator combines a micro-market's cash flow potential AND its potential for appreciation. The combined score is expressed as a Percentile from '0' (weakest) to '99' (strongest). For example, a score of '93' means THAT micro market scored higher (stronger) than 93% of all similar U.S. micro markets.

Hot Market + Cash Flow Score (pct) Hot Mkt + CF Score HMCF

Hot Market + Cash Flow Score (Percentile)

This indicator combines a micro-market's cash flow potential AND its potential for appreciation. The combined score is expressed as a Percentile from '0' (weakest) to '99' (strongest). For example, a score of '93' means THAT micro market scored higher (stronger) than 93% of all similar U.S. micro markets.

59% Hot Market + Cash Flow Score (pct) Hot Mkt + CF Score HMCF

Hot Market + Cash Flow Score (Percentile)

This indicator combines a micro-market's cash flow potential AND its potential for appreciation. The combined score is expressed as a Percentile from '0' (weakest) to '99' (strongest). For example, a score of '93' means THAT micro market scored higher (stronger) than 93% of all similar U.S. micro markets.

Median Home

This is the estimated median house value of all Single Family Residential (SFR) properties in that market, compared to the median value of all other markets nationwide, ranked on a percentile basis. Highest priced homes are assigned the lowest percentile scores; the highest score (99) indicates the lowest median home values nationwide.

Median Home (pct) Median Home MED

Median Home

This is the estimated median house value of all Single Family Residential (SFR) properties in that market, compared to the median value of all other markets nationwide, ranked on a percentile basis. Highest priced homes are assigned the lowest percentile scores; the highest score (99) indicates the lowest median home values nationwide.

32% Median Home (pct) Median Home MED

Median Home

This is the estimated median house value of all Single Family Residential (SFR) properties in that market, compared to the median value of all other markets nationwide, ranked on a percentile basis. Highest priced homes are assigned the lowest percentile scores; the highest score (99) indicates the lowest median home values nationwide.

Median Rent (pct)

Rental rates for single family homes can vary significantly based on location, size, age, amenities and condition of the property. The percentile score shown here is the relative ranking of this zip code's median monthly rent compared to all other zip codes nationwide.

Percentile scores range from 0 to 99; the higher the score, the higher the median rent relative to all other zip codes.

Median Rent (pct) Median Rent MR

Median Rent (pct)

Rental rates for single family homes can vary significantly based on location, size, age, amenities and condition of the property. The percentile score shown here is the relative ranking of this zip code's median monthly rent compared to all other zip codes nationwide.

Percentile scores range from 0 to 99; the higher the score, the higher the median rent relative to all other zip codes.

13% Median Rent (pct) Median Rent MR

Median Rent (pct)

Rental rates for single family homes can vary significantly based on location, size, age, amenities and condition of the property. The percentile score shown here is the relative ranking of this zip code's median monthly rent compared to all other zip codes nationwide.

Percentile scores range from 0 to 99; the higher the score, the higher the median rent relative to all other zip codes.

Rent Growth

A high percentile score (99 is highest) score means SFR rent rates have been increasing more in this market, RELATIVE to all markets nationwide.

Rent Growth (pct) Rent Growth RG

Rent Growth

A high percentile score (99 is highest) score means SFR rent rates have been increasing more in this market, RELATIVE to all markets nationwide.

79% Rent Growth (pct) Rent Growth RG

Rent Growth

A high percentile score (99 is highest) score means SFR rent rates have been increasing more in this market, RELATIVE to all markets nationwide.

Cash Flow Score (Percentile)

The Cash Flow Ranking score is determined by dividing this zip code's median rent by its median home value, then ranking that score relative to all other zip codes nationwide on a scale of 0 to 99. The higher the percentile score the greater the likelihood of positive cash flow.

Note: Many factors other than median rent can affect cash flow, including vacancy, repairs, operating expenses, and management.

Cash Flow (pct) Cash Flow CF

Cash Flow Score (Percentile)

The Cash Flow Ranking score is determined by dividing this zip code's median rent by its median home value, then ranking that score relative to all other zip codes nationwide on a scale of 0 to 99. The higher the percentile score the greater the likelihood of positive cash flow.

Note: Many factors other than median rent can affect cash flow, including vacancy, repairs, operating expenses, and management.

68% Cash Flow (pct) Cash Flow CF

Cash Flow Score (Percentile)

The Cash Flow Ranking score is determined by dividing this zip code's median rent by its median home value, then ranking that score relative to all other zip codes nationwide on a scale of 0 to 99. The higher the percentile score the greater the likelihood of positive cash flow.

Note: Many factors other than median rent can affect cash flow, including vacancy, repairs, operating expenses, and management.

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Matching your investing tactics and strategies to your local real estate market trends produces more deals with less risk, effort, and capital. Your micro market intelligence finds and targets those needle-in-a-haystack opportunities and dramatically increases your ROI while slashing your upfront acquisition and marketing costs. Learn more...

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County Raw Scores For: Marion County, FL

'Raw' Indicator Scores

Most market indicators can be displayed as either a "percentile" or a "raw" score. Raw scores measure the actual value.

Use the RAW scores when deciding to enter/exit or price an offer. Use Percentile Rank when choosing between several markets.

In addition to the actual raw score, we also use background color highlighting to show an approximate comparison of how this market's raw score "ranks" relative to all markets nationwide. Dark green is the 'highest' ranking,  yellow is in the middle, dark red is the lowest.

Percentile Ranks are useful for measuring RELATIVE performance BETWEEN markets, not for measuring the absolute performance of a market.

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The census accounts for people based on the location of their usual residence, which is the place where they live and sleep most of the time.

Population (raw) Population POP


The census accounts for people based on the location of their usual residence, which is the place where they live and sleep most of the time.

360,210 Population (raw) Population POP


The census accounts for people based on the location of their usual residence, which is the place where they live and sleep most of the time.

Median Home (raw)

This is the estimated median house value of all Single Family Residential (SFR) properties in that market, compared to the median value of all other markets nationwide, ranked on a percentile basis.

Median Home (raw) Median Home MED

Median Home (raw)

This is the estimated median house value of all Single Family Residential (SFR) properties in that market, compared to the median value of all other markets nationwide, ranked on a percentile basis.

$266,553 Median Home (raw) Median Home MED

Median Home (raw)

This is the estimated median house value of all Single Family Residential (SFR) properties in that market, compared to the median value of all other markets nationwide, ranked on a percentile basis.

Median Rent (Raw)

Rental rates for single family homes can vary significantly based on location, size, age, amenities and condition of the property. The amount shown here is the estimated median monthly rental rate across the entire market.

Median Rent (raw) Median Rent MR

Median Rent (Raw)

Rental rates for single family homes can vary significantly based on location, size, age, amenities and condition of the property. The amount shown here is the estimated median monthly rental rate across the entire market.

$1,768 Median Rent (raw) Median Rent MR

Median Rent (Raw)

Rental rates for single family homes can vary significantly based on location, size, age, amenities and condition of the property. The amount shown here is the estimated median monthly rental rate across the entire market.

Rent Growth (raw)

This is the average annual SFR rent growth of the prior 3 years. The background color indicates it's ranking compared to all such markets on a percentile basis nationwide. Dark green is the 'highest' ranking, dark red is the lowest.

Rent Growth (raw) Rent Growth RG

Rent Growth (raw)

This is the average annual SFR rent growth of the prior 3 years. The background color indicates it's ranking compared to all such markets on a percentile basis nationwide. Dark green is the 'highest' ranking, dark red is the lowest.

10.7% Rent Growth (raw) Rent Growth RG

Rent Growth (raw)

This is the average annual SFR rent growth of the prior 3 years. The background color indicates it's ranking compared to all such markets on a percentile basis nationwide. Dark green is the 'highest' ranking, dark red is the lowest.

Cash Flow Score (Raw)

The 'Raw' Cash Flow score is the ANNUAL gross median rent (monthly x 12) for this market divided by the median property value. A higher ratio is likely to generate more cash flow than a lower ratio.

Note: Many factors other than median rent can affect cash flow, including vacancy, repairs, operating expenses, and management.

Cash Flow (raw) Cash Flow CF

Cash Flow Score (Raw)

The 'Raw' Cash Flow score is the ANNUAL gross median rent (monthly x 12) for this market divided by the median property value. A higher ratio is likely to generate more cash flow than a lower ratio.

Note: Many factors other than median rent can affect cash flow, including vacancy, repairs, operating expenses, and management.

8 Cash Flow (raw) Cash Flow CF

Cash Flow Score (Raw)

The 'Raw' Cash Flow score is the ANNUAL gross median rent (monthly x 12) for this market divided by the median property value. A higher ratio is likely to generate more cash flow than a lower ratio.

Note: Many factors other than median rent can affect cash flow, including vacancy, repairs, operating expenses, and management.

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Matching your investing tactics and strategies to your local real estate market trends produces more deals with less risk, effort, and capital. Your micro market intelligence finds and targets those needle-in-a-haystack opportunities and dramatically increases your ROI while slashing your upfront acquisition and marketing costs. Learn more...


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Current Market Conditions

Current Market Conditions

These charts, maps and indicators represent the most currently available Technical Analysis ( "TA") of National, State and Local Real Estate Markets.

TA is visual, relying on Supply and Demand charts because these charts also track the most important and most elusive driver of future price trends: Market Psychology.

TA has become the dominant methodology for predicting stock, bond, commodity and currency market cycles worldwide and is used by ALL major investment banks and international trading desks as the underlying basis for TRILLIONS of dollars in DAILY investment transactions.

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Current Market Conditions

Current Market Conditions

These charts, maps and indicators represent the most currently available Technical Analysis ( "TA") of National, State and Local Real Estate Markets.

TA is visual, relying on Supply and Demand charts because these charts also track the most important and most elusive driver of future price trends: Market Psychology.

TA has become the dominant methodology for predicting stock, bond, commodity and currency market cycles worldwide and is used by ALL major investment banks and international trading desks as the underlying basis for TRILLIONS of dollars in DAILY investment transactions.

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Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL
Choose Market:
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL

Real Estate Cycle Charts

Charts showing the annual appreciation or decline in real estate values over time are visual snapshots of Supply and Demand forces in action. Technical Analysis (TA) relies on these charts because they accurately reflect what ACTUALLY happened.

The practice of TA consists of what are called "Studies" – different sets of calculations and algorithms proven over time. These Studies include Market Psychology, the most powerful driver of all.

Because real estate is so cyclical (compared to the Stock Market, for example), relatively simple Studies can be used to accurately track local markets.

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Long Term Real Estate Cycles

City: Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL

Charts showing the annual appreciation or decline in real estate values over time are visual snapshots of Supply and Demand forces in action. Technical Analysis (TA) relies on these charts because they accurately reflect what ACTUALLY happened.

The practice of TA consists of what are called “Studies” – different sets of calculations and algorithms proven over time. These Studies include Market Psychology, the most powerful driver of all.

If you want to know more about HosuingAlerts just click here to learn more.

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STAR Indicators

STAR Momentum

The STAR momentum indicators show the 'energy' behind any market. For a sustained up-cycle, it MUST be supported by momentum. Market Psychology influences momentum but is not the only driver.

The first step in locating investment candidates is evaluating the STAR indicators. Each of the six 'triggers' represent a distinct Technical Analysis (TA) 'event.'

The left-most columns are Short-Term triggers and carry far less significance than the Long-Term indicators on the right.

However, all Trend Reversals (up or down) BEGIN with the short term triggers. They provide early-warning signals, especially when they develop a consistent pattern of changing colors (from green to red, or red to green) 'growing' from left to right.

Green means positive, upward sloping momentum. Red means the opposite. Yellow occurs when, in the current period, the slope/direction changed for that trigger.

Markets that do not display a consistent color pattern; with seemingly random horizontal color changes from one period to the next, especially in the long-term triggers, are generally lacking ANY momentum, and are poor investment markets for Leveraged Appreciation.

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STAR Momentum Indicators

Market Momentum (STAR) Indicators

City: Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL

The STAR momentum indicators show the ‘energy’ behind any market. For a sustained up-cycle, it MUST be supported by momentum. Market Psychology influences momentum but is not the only driver.

The first step in locating investment candidates is evaluating the STAR indicators. Each of the six ‘triggers’ represent a distinct Technical Analysis (TA) ‘event.’

The left-most columns are Short-Term triggers and carry far less significance than the Long-Term indicators on the right.

However, all Trend Reversals (up or down) BEGIN with the short term triggers. They provide early-warning signals, especially when they develop a consistent pattern of changing colors (from green to red, or red to green) ‘growing’ from left to right.

Green means positive, upward sloping momentum. Red means the opposite. Yellow occurs when, in the current period, the slope/direction changed for that trigger.

Markets that do not display a consistent color pattern; with seemingly random horizontal color changes from one period to the next, especially in the long-term triggers, are generally lacking ANY momentum, and are poor investment markets for Leveraged Appreciation.

If you want to know more about HosuingAlerts just click here to learn more.

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  Short-Term Mid-Term Long-Term
  #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
Current Qtr
Prior Qtr
2 Qtrs ago
3 Qtrs ago
Year ago

Cash Flow Score (Ranking)

The Cash Flow Ranking score is determined by dividing this zip code's median rent by its median home value, then ranking that score relative to all other zip codes nationwide on a scale of 0 to 99. The higher the percentile score the greater the likelihood of positive cash flow.

Note: Many factors other than median rent can affect cash flow, including vacancy, repairs, operating expenses, and management.

Cash Flow Rank

The higher the score, the more likely this market will have higher cash flow compared to all markets nationwide.

If you want to know more about HosuingAlerts just click here to learn more.

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Master Score (raw)

The “RAW Master Score” is a proprietary algorithm combining the TAPS, STAR and other indicators into a single score. This is the best single indicator (if you only want to look at ONE scoring element).

A high score (with a green background) indicates a market in a strong phase of it's long term real estate cycle.

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Master Score (raw)

This is the best single indicator (if you only want to look at ONE scoring element). The “Master Score” is a proprietary algorithm that integrates all data into a single score.

If you want to know more about HosuingAlerts just click here to learn more.

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Matching your investing tactics and strategies to your local real estate market trends produces more deals with less risk, effort, and capital. Your micro market intelligence finds and targets those needle-in-a-haystack opportunities and dramatically increases your ROI while slashing your upfront acquisition and marketing costs. For assistance, please use the live chat in bottom right or email support@housingalerts.com

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U.S Real Estate Market

Current Market Conditions

These charts, maps and indicators represent the most currently available Technical Analysis ( "TA") of National, State and Local Real Estate Markets.

TA is visual, relying on Supply and Demand charts because these charts also track the most important and most elusive driver of future price trends: Market Psychology.

TA has become the dominant methodology for predicting stock, bond, commodity and currency market cycles worldwide and is used by ALL major investment banks and international trading desks as the underlying basis for TRILLIONS of dollars in DAILY investment transactions.

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Powered by: HousingAlerts.com®
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weaker >>>
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Matching your investing tactics and strategies to your local real estate market trends produces more deals with less risk, effort, and capital. Your micro market intelligence finds and targets those needle-in-a-haystack opportunities and dramatically increases your ROI while slashing your upfront acquisition and marketing costs. Learn more...

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National Hot Market Finder Rank all metropolitan markets NATIONWIDE from best to worst using any of the 8 indicators.
Current Market Conditions

Current Market Conditions

These charts, maps and indicators represent the most currently available Technical Analysis ( "TA") of National, State and Local Real Estate Markets.

TA is visual, relying on Supply and Demand charts because these charts also track the most important and most elusive driver of future price trends: Market Psychology.

TA has become the dominant methodology for predicting stock, bond, commodity and currency market cycles worldwide and is used by ALL major investment banks and international trading desks as the underlying basis for TRILLIONS of dollars in DAILY investment transactions.

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Powered by: HousingAlerts.com®
Current Market Conditions

Current Market Conditions

These charts, maps and indicators represent the most currently available Technical Analysis ( "TA") of National, State and Local Real Estate Markets.

TA is visual, relying on Supply and Demand charts because these charts also track the most important and most elusive driver of future price trends: Market Psychology.

TA has become the dominant methodology for predicting stock, bond, commodity and currency market cycles worldwide and is used by ALL major investment banks and international trading desks as the underlying basis for TRILLIONS of dollars in DAILY investment transactions.

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Ranking Indicators:

Every market can be scored and ranked by each Indicator below ('99' is strongest, '0' is weakest).

Master Score
This is the best single indicator (if you only want to look at ONE scoring element).

Cash Flow
The higher the score, the more likely this market will have higher cash flow compared to all markets nationwide.

Hot Market + Cash Flow Score
This indicator attempts to identify micro markets with both relatively higher cash flow potential AND a relatively higher potential for appreciation.

Rent Growth
A high score means SFR rent rates have been increasing more in this market, RELATIVE to all markets nationwide.

House Value
On a nationwide basis, lower priced properties tend to be in weak or flat markets with less likelihood for appreciation.

Technical Analysis Point Score
This is the Technical Analysis Point Score ranking after combining the Local (city-level) market with the State, Regional and National TAPS scores.

Six Trigger Alert Report
The STAR momentum indicators show the ‘energy’ behind any market. For a sustained up-cycle, it MUST be supported by momentum.

This indicator ranks all markets based on its Total Home Appreciation Rate over the previous year.

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Rank Market Gross Rent Ratio
Rank Market Gross Rent Ratio
1Brownsville-Harlingen, TX9.7
2Danville, IL11.4
3Johnstown, PA9.1
4McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, TX9.6
5Hinesville, GA8.5
6Muncie, IN8.5
7Pine Bluff, AR8.7
8Wichita Falls, TX8.6
9Charleston, WV8.4
10Corpus Christi, TX8.3
11Decatur, IL8.2
12Elmira, NY8.4
13Abilene, TX8.2
14Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX7.9
15Saginaw, MI8
16Terre Haute, IN8
17Beckley, WV7.7
18Detroit-Dearborn-Livonia, MI (MSAD)7.8
19El Paso, TX7.8
20Odessa, TX7.9
21Carbondale-Marion, IL7.5
22Fayetteville, NC7.6
23Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH7.4
24Watertown-Fort Drum, NY7.6
25Binghamton, NY7.4
26Enid, OK7.4
27Kokomo, IN7.4
28Rockford, IL7.4
29Joplin, MO7.3
30Montgomery, AL7.4
31Peoria, IL7.3
32Warner Robins, GA7.3
33Battle Creek, MI7.3
34Bay City, MI7.2
35Florence, SC7.3
36Hattiesburg, MS7.3
37Albany, GA7.2
38Kankakee, IL7.1
39Macon-Bibb County, GA7.2
40Mobile, AL7.2
41Laredo, TX7.1
42Rochester, NY7.1
43Springfield, IL7.1
44Vineland-Bridgeton, NJ7.1
45Amarillo, TX7.1
46Longview, TX7.1
47Victoria, TX7
48Weirton-Steubenville, WV-OH7.1
49Lubbock, TX7
50New Bern, NC6.9
51Sumter, SC7
52Texarkana, TX-AR7
53Brunswick, GA6.9
54Davenport-Moline-Rock Island, IA-IL6.9
55Flint, MI6.9
56Waco, TX6.9
57Lima, OH6.8
58Midland, MI6.9
59Ocala, FL6.8
60Syracuse, NY6.8
61Gadsden, AL6.8
62Jackson, TN6.8
63South Bend-Mishawaka, IN-MI6.8
64Topeka, KS6.8
65Altoona, PA6.7
66Gulfport-Biloxi, MS6.8
67San Angelo, TX6.8
68Wheeling, WV-OH6.8
69Columbia, SC6.7
70Columbus, IN6.7
71Michigan City-La Porte, IN6.7
72Scranton--Wilkes-Barre, PA6.7
73Farmington, NM6.7
74Jacksonville, NC6.7
75Sebring-Avon Park, FL6.6
76Sioux City, IA-NE-SD6.6
77Columbus, GA-AL6.5
78Goldsboro, NC6.6
79Jackson, MS6.6
80Lawton, OK6.5
81Toledo, OH6.5
82Anniston-Oxford, AL6.5
83Greensboro-High Point, NC6.5
84Parkersburg-Vienna, WV6.5
85St. Joseph, MO-KS6.5
86Jackson, MI6.5
87Shreveport-Bossier City, LA6.5
88Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA6.5
89Yuma, AZ6.5
90Alexandria, LA6.5
91Dothan, AL6.5
92Erie, PA6.5
93Lansing-East Lansing, MI6.5
94East Stroudsburg, PA6.4
95Monroe, LA6.4
96Panama City, FL6.4
97Wichita, KS6.4
98Dayton-Kettering, OH6.4
99Elkhart-Goshen, IN6.4
100Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL6.4
101Utica-Rome, NY6.4
102Champaign-Urbana, IL6.4
103Muskegon, MI6.4
104Philadelphia, PA (MSAD)6.4
105Williamsport, PA6.4
106Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC6.3
107Evansville, IN-KY6.4
108Jonesboro, AR6.3
109Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA6.3
110Blacksburg-Christiansburg, VA6.3
111Fort Wayne, IN6.3
112Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway, AR6.3
113Rocky Mount, NC6.3
114Glens Falls, NY6.2
115Hot Springs, AR6.3
116Killeen-Temple, TX6.2
117Savannah, GA6.2
118Fort Smith, AR-OK6.2
119Gainesville, FL6.2
120Homosassa Springs, FL6.2
121Tallahassee, FL6.2
122Dalton, GA6.1
123Mansfield, OH6.1
124Oklahoma City, OK6.1
125Tyler, TX6.2
126Florence-Muscle Shoals, AL6.1
127Greenville, NC6.1
128San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX6.1
129Valdosta, GA6.1
130Camden, NJ (MSAD)6.1
131Harrisburg-Carlisle, PA6.1
132Tulsa, OK6.1
133York-Hanover, PA6.1
134Baton Rouge, LA6.1
135Cleveland-Elyria, OH6
136Lake Charles, LA6
137Memphis, TN-MS-AR6
138Canton-Massillon, OH6
139Houma-Thibodaux, LA6
140Lafayette-West Lafayette, IN6
141Springfield, OH6
142Atlantic City-Hammonton, NJ6
143Bloomington, IL6
144Gary, IN (MSAD)6
145Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land, TX6
146Akron, OH5.9
147Clarksville, TN-KY6
148Lafayette, LA5.9
149Pittsburgh, PA6
150Birmingham-Hoover, AL5.9
151Grand Island, NE5.9
152Ithaca, NY5.9
153Reading, PA5.9
154Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford, FL5.8
155Rome, GA5.8
156Spartanburg, SC5.8
157Tuscaloosa, AL5.8
158Bangor, ME5.8
159Bloomington, IN5.8
160Fairbanks, AK5.8
161New Orleans-Metairie, LA5.8
162Sherman-Denison, TX5.7
163Cedar Rapids, IA5.7
164Duluth, MN-WI5.7
165Fort Worth-Arlington-Grapevine, TX (MSAD)5.7
166Hammond, LA5.7
167Buffalo-Cheektowaga, NY5.7
168Cape Girardeau, MO-IL5.7
169Owensboro, KY5.7
170Sierra Vista-Douglas, AZ5.7
171Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ5.7
172Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Alpharetta, GA5.7
173Elizabethtown-Fort Knox, KY5.7
174Manhattan, KS5.7
175Janesville-Beloit, WI5.7
176Pensacola-Ferry Pass-Brent, FL5.7
177Puerto Rico, PR5.7
178Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL5.7
179Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY5.6
180Auburn-Opelika, AL5.6
181Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL5.6
182Morristown, TN5.6
183Deltona-Daytona Beach-Ormond Beach, FL5.6
184Fond du Lac, WI5.6
185Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson, IN5.6
186St. Louis, MO-IL5.6
187Chicago-Naperville-Evanston, IL (MSAD)5.5
188Cumberland, MD-WV5.5
189Hartford-East Hartford-Middletown, CT5.5
190Monroe, MI5.5
191Columbia, MO5.5
192Greenville-Anderson, SC5.5
193Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA5.5
194Warren-Troy-Farmington Hills, MI (MSAD)5.5
195Dover, DE5.5
196Hagerstown-Martinsburg, MD-WV5.5
197Kansas City, MO-KS5.5
198Lancaster, PA5.5
199Grand Forks, ND-MN5.5
200Louisville/Jefferson County, KY-IN5.5
201Oshkosh-Neenah, WI5.5
202Punta Gorda, FL5.5
203Dubuque, IA5.5
204Lake County-Kenosha County, IL-WI (MSAD)5.5
205New Haven-Milford, CT5.5
206Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC5.5
207Kingsport-Bristol, TN-VA5.4
208Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach, SC-NC5.4
209Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville, FL5.5
210Port St. Lucie, FL5.4
211Elgin, IL (MSAD)5.4
212Fort Lauderdale-Pompano Beach-Sunrise, FL (MSAD)5.4
213Jacksonville, FL5.4
214Trenton-Princeton, NJ5.4
215Burlington, NC5.4
216Kalamazoo-Portage, MI5.4
217La Crosse-Onalaska, WI-MN5.4
218Wausau-Weston, WI5.4
219Columbus, OH5.3
220Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA5.3
221Niles, MI5.3
222Winston-Salem, NC5.4
223Bloomsburg-Berwick, PA5.3
224Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN5.3
225Daphne-Fairhope-Foley, AL5.3
226West Palm Beach-Boca Raton-Boynton Beach, FL (MSAD)5.3
227Crestview-Fort Walton Beach-Destin, FL5.3
228Dallas-Plano-Irving, TX (MSAD)5.3
229Grand Rapids-Kentwood, MI5.3
230Lynchburg, VA5.3
231Bowling Green, KY5.2
232Burlington-South Burlington, VT5.2
233College Station-Bryan, TX5.2
234Lebanon, PA5.2
235Anchorage, AK5.2
236Chambersburg-Waynesboro, PA5.2
237Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, NC-SC5.2
238Johnson City, TN5.2
239Ames, IA5.2
240Charleston-North Charleston, SC5.2
241Kingston, NY5.2
242Springfield, MO5.2
243Wilmington, DE-MD-NJ (MSAD)5.2
244Chattanooga, TN-GA5.2
245Morgantown, WV5.2
246Norwich-New London, CT5.2
247Racine, WI5.2
248California-Lexington Park, MD5.2
249Hanford-Corcoran, CA5.2
250Knoxville, TN5.1
251Rapid City, SD5.1
252Lexington-Fayette, KY5.1
253Mankato, MN5.1
254North Port-Sarasota-Bradenton, FL5.1
255Poughkeepsie-Newburgh-Middletown, NY5.1
256Athens-Clarke County, GA5.1
257Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton, NC5.1
258Richmond, VA5
259Sebastian-Vero Beach, FL5
260Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD5
261Casper, WY5
262Cleveland, TN5
263Miami-Miami Beach-Kendall, FL (MSAD)5
264Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers, AR5
265Las Cruces, NM4.9
266New Brunswick-Lakewood, NJ (MSAD)5
267Rochester, MN4.9
268Charlottesville, VA4.9
269Huntsville, AL4.9
270Roanoke, VA4.9
271Winchester, VA-WV4.9
272Albuquerque, NM4.9
273Bakersfield, CA4.9
274Lewiston-Auburn, ME4.9
275Midland, TX4.8
276Eau Claire, WI4.8
277Manchester-Nashua, NH4.8
278Sheboygan, WI4.8
279Wilmington, NC4.8
280Appleton, WI4.8
281Jefferson City, MO4.8
282Lincoln, NE4.8
283Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI4.8
284Decatur, AL4.7
285Springfield, MA4.7
286Tucson, AZ4.7
287Visalia, CA4.8
288Ann Arbor, MI4.7
289Gettysburg, PA4.7
290Green Bay, WI4.7
291Salisbury, MD-DE4.7
292Milwaukee-Waukesha, WI4.7
293Montgomery County-Bucks County-Chester County, PA (MSAD)4.6
294St. Cloud, MN4.6
295State College, PA4.6
296Colorado Springs, CO4.6
297El Centro, CA4.6
298Gainesville, GA4.6
299Iowa City, IA4.6
300Lawrence, KS4.6
301Nassau County-Suffolk County, NY (MSAD)4.5
302Pittsfield, MA4.5
303Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV (MSAD)4.5
304Durham-Chapel Hill, NC4.5
305Madison, WI4.5
306Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--Franklin, TN4.5
307Phoenix-Mesa-Chandler, AZ4.5
308Olympia-Lacey-Tumwater, WA4.5
309Raleigh-Cary, NC4.5
310Rockingham County-Strafford County, NH (MSAD)4.5
311Staunton, VA4.5
312Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, CT4.4
313Frederick-Gaithersburg-Rockville, MD (MSAD)4.4
314Las Vegas-Henderson-Paradise, NV4.4
315Naples-Marco Island, FL4.4
316Fresno, CA4.4
317Hilton Head Island-Bluffton, SC4.4
318Lake Havasu City-Kingman, AZ4.4
319Sioux Falls, SD4.4
320Asheville, NC4.4
321Austin-Round Rock-Georgetown, TX4.3
322Chico, CA4.3
323Pueblo, CO4.3
324Vallejo, CA4.3
325Bismarck, ND4.2
326Modesto, CA4.2
327Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA4.2
328Yakima, WA4.2
329Fargo, ND-MN4.2
330Tacoma-Lakewood, WA (MSAD)4.2
331The Villages, FL4.2
332Worcester, MA-CT4.2
333Albany-Lebanon, OR4.1
334Great Falls, MT4.1
335Merced, CA4.1
336Portland-South Portland, ME4.2
337Harrisonburg, VA4.1
338Redding, CA4.1
339Salem, OR4
340Santa Fe, NM4
341Flagstaff, AZ4
342Greeley, CO4
343Newark, NJ-PA (MSAD)4
344Stockton, CA4
345Boston, MA (MSAD)3.9
346Cheyenne, WY4
347Kennewick-Richland, WA3.9
348Medford, OR3.9
349Bremerton-Silverdale-Port Orchard, WA3.9
350Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO3.9
351Madera, CA3.9
352Yuba City, CA3.8
353Eugene-Springfield, OR3.8
354Prescott Valley-Prescott, AZ3.8
355Providence-Warwick, RI-MA3.8
356Sacramento-Roseville-Folsom, CA3.8
357Billings, MT3.7
358Fort Collins, CO3.7
359Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, CA3.7
360Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA3.7
361Cambridge-Newton-Framingham, MA (MSAD)3.6
362Reno, NV3.6
363Salt Lake City, UT3.6
364Spokane-Spokane Valley, WA3.6
365Barnstable Town, MA3.6
366Lewiston, ID-WA3.6
367Longview, WA3.6
368Pocatello, ID3.6
369Bend, OR3.5
370Boise City, ID3.5
371Grand Junction, CO3.6
372St. George, UT3.5
373Idaho Falls, ID3.5
374Ogden-Clearfield, UT3.5
375Santa Maria-Santa Barbara, CA3.5
376Wenatchee, WA3.4
377Corvallis, OR3.4
378New York-Jersey City-White Plains, NY-NJ (MSAD)3.3
379Provo-Orem, UT3.4
380Santa Rosa-Petaluma, CA3.4
381Bellingham, WA3.3
382Boulder, CO3.3
383San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad, CA3.3
384Twin Falls, ID3.3
385Coeur d'Alene, ID3.3
386Ocean City, NJ3.3
387Salinas, CA3.2
388Walla Walla, WA3.2
389Anaheim-Santa Ana-Irvine, CA (MSAD)3.2
390Grants Pass, OR3.2
391Logan, UT-ID3.2
392Seattle-Bellevue-Kent, WA (MSAD)3.2
393Missoula, MT3.1
394Napa, CA3.1
395San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles, CA3.1
396Urban Honolulu, HI3.1
397Carson City, NV2.8
398Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale, CA (MSAD)3
399Mount Vernon-Anacortes, WA3
400Oakland-Berkeley-Livermore, CA (MSAD)2.9
401Kahului-Wailuku-Lahaina, HI2.7
402San Francisco-San Mateo-Redwood City, CA (MSAD)2.2
403San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA2.6
404San Rafael, CA (MSAD)2.4
405Santa Cruz-Watsonville, CA2.7
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