Step 1 - Choose Market(s)
Step 2 - Confirm Order
Step 3 - INSTANT Access
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Step #1: Select Your Market Type
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From .../mo (Billed Annually) or .../mo (Pay-As-You-Go)
From .../mo (Billed Annually) or .../mo (Pay-As-You-Go)
From .../mo (Billed Annually) or .../mo (Pay-As-You-Go)
Step #2: Select Your Markets - Choose Up To 3.You Have Selected Entire U.S.A.
Select desired state to see LOCAL markets.
Metros in {{currentStateFullName}}:

Pacific Pacific
Mountain Mountain
West North Central West North Central
East North Central East North Central
Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic
New England New England
West South Central West South Central
East South Central East South Central
South Atlantic South Atlantic
Your Selected Markets:
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Step #3: Select Your Payment Plan
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.../mo equiv
Billed Annually at ...
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Special Offer - Buy 2 yrs, Get 3rd yr FREE
.../mo equiv 3 Years For ... PAID TODAY
converts to automatic annual subscription
billing of ... in 4th year (Cancel Anytime)
Limited Time Offer $997FREE
MLS Analyst
MLS Analyst MLS Tracking 90+ Indicators & Maps for Your Markets at the Metro, County & Zip Code Levels.
(Included with today's purchase!)
Limited Time Offer $497FREE
MicroMarket Training
MicroMarket Training 10-Hour Online Video Training Program.
(Included with today's purchase!)
Step #4: Enter Your Contact Info
Important: This email address is where your login info will be sent.
Important: This email address is where your login info will be sent.
Step #5: Review Your Order
No Market(s) selected! Use Step 1 & 2 above to add your market(s)
Market Level: Entire U.S.A. {{marketCount}} ...
Access Level: {{accessLevelLabel}}
Addons: MicroMarket Training $497 FREE
Payment Plan:
... now, then ... /yr starting your 4th year (Automatically billed once a year beginning your 4th year, cancel anytime) ... now, then .../yr (Automatically billed annually, cancel anytime) ... now, then .../mo (Automatically billed monthly, cancel anytime) ... Now
(12 Months of Access. No Recurring Billing)

Your price will NEVER increase so long as you remain an active member.

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Market Level: Entire U.S.A. {{marketCount}} ...
Access Level: {{accessLevelLabel}}
Selected Markets:
Payment Plan:
... now, then ... /yr starting your 4th year (Automatically billed once a year beginning your 4th year, cancel anytime) ... now, then .../yr (Automatically billed annually, cancel anytime) ... now, then .../mo (Automatically billed monthly, cancel anytime) ... Now
(12 Months of Access. No Recurring Billing)

Your price will NEVER increase so long as you remain an active member.

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You will have immediate access to all selected markets
when you complete your order on the next page.
(Your login will be emailed to you instantly!)
What real people just like you are saying:
Must Have Tool For Investors!

HousingAlerts is a must have tool for investors. The program synthesizes an enormous amount of data and presents it in an easy to understand graphic format. I particularly like the by-zip-code appreciation rate information. It allows my company to strategically target our acquisition marketing dollars in support of our fix and flip business. The quality is equally matched by a knowledgeable and friendly support staff.

Richard Owens
Don’t Pass On This Opportunity

I’d like to say that this information and these tools are invaluable. As a Real Estate investor of 35 yrs. I can tell you first hand that my life would be remarkably different right now if I had these tools prior to the last 2 market crashes here in Florida. I spent most of my life building wealth in real estate only to be totally ruined, completely wiped out. The fact that I now have these tools and the amazing support of Ken’s staff, Leanne being who I’ve dealt with is absolute confirmation that my R.E. investing life will turn around!!! Kudos to his support staff for always being there.

Thomas Errico
Get the Intelligence You Need!

For me, the first win was in using HousingAlerts in my local Market to see whether a fix and flip was a good idea. The big question was: should I sell my home and rent or should I sell my home and then flip a home? Housing Alerts gave me the intelligence I needed to make that decision and it turned out to be a great decision.

The second win has been with real estate investors. I am a Realtor and like to have the best data that is available. That way, I am able to tell my clients which markets are the hottest and which are showing signs of changing.

This has helped me advise an important investor and add an additional investor. And I have no doubt it will continue to prove beneficial going forward with my own real estate investing. This Housing Alerts data and system is incredibly valuable to pick a winning market to invest in.

Thomas M
Priceless investing tool.

I have used housing alerts to help manage my small real estate company. Using the data helped me choose Nashville TN as a thriving market. I live in Phoenix, AZ. I select strategies based on realistic return on investment, how much work I will need to do and what I enjoy doing. I set up a team in Nashville and we have done four deals: three flips and a vacation rental property. The returns have been great. Everybody is a genius when the market is going up. HousingAlerts is data dependent. Now that Nashville is slowing down I used zip code data for Phoenix to find rental properties.

Thanks to about 20 good deals I was able to spend several hours every day researching who and what would help him and it has worked for him that you might not even know he was ever diagnosed. That is the priceless contribution effective investing can make to you life. Before Housing Alerts I had made some poor choices, and with the good data sold out of non-appreciating areas and put money to work more profitably. Those dark days when I relied on news articles are fortunately behind me.

Mark G
Exciting & Revealing Program!

I’ve worked in the real estate industry for 30 years, basically a transactional broker, this program is exciting and reinforces my beliefs regarding real estate investing. The videos also break some long-standing investing rules which, frankly, needed to be broken. Good stuff. Thanks!

Dennis Erickson
Impressive System and Service!

I called inquiring about your service in early May. I spoke to Leanne who was very pleasant and eager to help answer any questions I had. After speaking with Leanne, I signed up for a month. I was impressed with all the data and information available to me and I was even more impressed at how available Leanne was at answering my questions. I just paid for 3 years of service… and I have to say, Leanne was the reason I did so. She made me feel extremely comfortable knowing that this was going to be a long-term venture with your company.

I look forward to the upcoming data! Thank you.

Kareem N.
Impressive Tools

Gentlemen; the finest presentation of R.E. Investment tools I’ve seen. And when you consider I go back to the days of Robert Allen, “Nothing Down” that’s saying something…

King _Tucson, AZ.
Great Investing Advice!

This is great information. I am an Investment Real Estate Agent in Virginia and I have taught many investors how to make money from buying and selling properties. This is great advice. I am glad someone is talking a different tune and not just selling the CD’s etc. Good advice is hard to get… listen up as this is important information.

Jan Boyer
Unlike Anything Else!

Great tools unlike anything else. This lets you keep your finger on the pulse of your local market to determine its current health. Nice to have an early warning system.

Kenneth Meadows
Don’t Invest Blindfolded

I only wish I had access to your video training back in 2006 through 2008 before I invested blindfolded and lost all my 8 rentals, including my primary residence. I am excited to learn more of your system!

Ismael Viramontes