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List of 189 Declining Markets Qtr-Over-Qtr

Published April 1, 2019
Advance Dedline

47% Of US Housing Markets
Declined Qtr-Over-Qtr

Currently, 189 markets (47% of all U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines in property values compared to the prior Quarter.

For the same period last year 187 markets (46%) saw Q-O-Q declines. While the ‘total’ number of declining markets are roughly the same,

List of 104 Declining Markets Qtr-Over-Qtr

Published December 14, 2018
Market Update-List of Markets with Declining Quarter-Over-Quarter Home Prices

26% Of US Housing Markets
Declined Qtr-Over-Qtr

Currently, 104 markets (26% of all U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines compared to the prior Quarter.

In the previous quarter, 73 markets (18%) declined.

148 markets (37%) saw Q-O-Q declines in the year ago period. (Because of possible seasonal variations,

List of 61 Declining Markets Year-Over-Year

Published June 25, 2018
Market Update - List of Cities with Declining Year-Over-Year Home Prices 2018 Quarter 1

61 U.S. Markets Lost Value Year-Over-Year

Currently, 61 markets (15% of ALL U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines over the last year.

In the previous quarter, 68 markets had annual home price declines (they didn’t even keep up with inflation).

(See the entire list of declining markets below.)

In addition to the list of declining cities below,

Technical Analysis (‘TA’) – the Basics

Technical Analysis Real Estate Investing

There are two ways to analyze any market; by its ‘Fundamental’ attributes or by its ‘Technical’ charts.

With the advent of personal computing and the internet, TA has become the dominant methodology for predicting stock, bond, commodity and currency market cycles worldwide.

TA is used by ALL major investment banks and international trading desks as the underlying basis for TRILLIONS of dollars in DAILY investment transactions.

Technical vs. Fundamental

Why Technical Analysis is the Only Technique You Should Apply in Real Estate Investing

Ever since there’ve been markets and cycles, investors have been trying to predict what’s going to happen next. You can reap huge rewards if you get that one piece of information correct.

Trillions of dollars and billions of man-hours have been spent over the last 100 years trying to figure out how to best predict market cycles.

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