Real Estate Cycles

You’ve always heard real estate moves in cycles… but what does that mean?
More importantly, how can YOU profit from it?
As a general rule, prices for most things are stable (not cyclical) because changes in demand are quickly offset by adjusting supply. If you’re a widget manufacturer and more people want widgets,
FAR-GAP-HAM: The Most Absurd And PROVEN Way To Invest

It can be combined with any forced appreciation or transactional income strategies you want to use to exponentially explode your results.
The Real Secret Of Becoming A Generational Millionaire

Timing in real estate investing is everything. All it takes is one small change in your strategy to become a local market master (LMM).
Turning a $9,990 Loss Into a $1,308,753 Profit

Numbers don’t lie ? If you bought vegas home in 1980 expecting to cash out in 2016 to live your retirement fantasies, you’d be in for a reality check!
Forced Appreciation: The Nasty Truth The Gurus Never Told You About

Forced and automatic real estate investing ‘strategies’ and how it’s the exact opposite of how you build long-lasting wealth.
The 600 Lb. Gorilla Falls – Part 1

600 Lb. Gorilla Loses His Shirt (And You and His Investing Students Will Too If You Miss This One Key)…
Part 1 of 2
Just take a good look around… many of the real estate gurus still espousing those old methods are losing properties and going out of business right and left.
The 600 Lb. Gorilla Falls – Part 2

The 600 Lb. Gorilla Falls — How A Simple Glimpse At THIS One Picture Could Have Saved Him His Shirt (And How It Can Save You Yours, Too!)
Part 2 of 2
Here he goes. The 600 lb. investing gorilla has made his ascent. And he is about to fall, big time. (Here is Part 1 in case you missed it.)
Now remember,
How All Real Estate Owners Lost $45k The Last Few Years

Why It Had NOTHING to Do With Your Investing Strategy
Did you lose a lot of money in real estate during the last down cycle? The answer, in all likelihood, is yes, you did. You didn’t have to!
See why here on my latest Real Estate Market Report
Look – there’s a time to be actively,
Real Estate Forecasting A Trip To The Beach

Choosing between Daytona and Vero beach, meant an additional $31,200 because of knowing their market cycles.
My Home Is Going To Double In Price And My Neighbor’s Will Be Worthless In Just 12 Months!

Zillow, Not Just A Crazy Name, It’s A Crazy Way To Look At Home Prices
Besides Fundamental Analysis, the other major blunder is trying to use “median” home prices to forecast local real estate cycles.
It’s what everyone tries to use because those numbers are readily available, and free. It was the only game in town.
Ken Wade Vs. CNN

This next example is going to tick off the 600 pound gorillas in my space: FiServ Lending Solutions, along with and Fortune magazine.
FiServ handles all the big banks and Wall Street firms – I’m a little peon compared to them.
But what the hell, you deserve to know the truth… so here goes…
CNN teamed up with FiServ to publish a detailed local market analysis.
I Didn’t Mean To Prove Alan Greenspan Wrong… But I Did

In the decades since my Harvard days, I’ve been focused almost exclusively on doing real estate deals and figuring out local real estate markets. I’ve acquired, owned, syndicated, managed, leased, sold or developed just about every type of property there is… in all kinds of markets… and I’ve done it in a very big way.