Market Breadth Improves Quarter-over-Quarter

List of the 58 DECLINING
U.S. Real Estate Markets
Compared to last quarter, the total number of Qtr-over-Qtr declining markets has improved significantly!
Currently, 58 markets (14% of all U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines over the last three months.
(See the entire list of declining markets below.)
In the previous quarter,
Market Breadth Improves Year-over-Year

62 U.S. Markets Lost Value Yr-over-Yr
Compared to last quarter, the total number of Year-over-Year declining markets has improved significantly!
Currently, 62 markets (15% of ALL U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines over the last year.
Our last Y-O-Y report showed that 102 markets had ‘real’ home price declines (they didn’t even keep up with inflation).
Quarterly Market Data

Published July 18, 2017
List of the 171 DECLINING U.S. Real Estate Markets
Compared to last quarter, the total number of declining markets has improved slightly, but it’s still very alarming.
42% of all U.S. Real Estate Markets Declined Q-o-Q
Currently, 171 markets experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines over the last three months.
Market Breadth Continues to Weaken Year-Over-Year

1/4th of U.S. Markets Lost Value Year-over-Year
It doesn’t feel right.
102 out of the 400 major real estate markets in the U.S. experienced ‘real’ decline in home value Year-Over-Year… they didn’t even keep up with inflation.
NO ONE is talking about this.
I’m not saying the sky is falling,
Market Breadth Getting Weaker

Half of all real estate
markets losing value Qtr-over-Qtr
Almost 1/5th of all markets losing value Yr-over-Yr
I just got back from a real estate mastermind conference; lots of very smart investors. NONE of them knew that nearly 1/5th of all major US real estate markets are now in decline.
They were blown away when I showed them the list (scroll down).
Real Estate Cycles

You’ve always heard real estate moves in cycles… but what does that mean?
More importantly, how can YOU profit from it?
As a general rule, prices for most things are stable (not cyclical) because changes in demand are quickly offset by adjusting supply. If you’re a widget manufacturer and more people want widgets,
Was the Last Real Estate Crash Truly Unique or Just a Blip On the Radar?

If you have lost significant money as an investor or personally, I know it never feels small. I’m sorry that happened to you.
There is something much bigger going on beneath the surface. Painting the recent real estate downturn as the “event of the century,” screaming that this has never ever happened before and that we will never ever recover from it makes for good headlines,
The 600 Lb. Gorilla Falls – Part 1

600 Lb. Gorilla Loses His Shirt (And You and His Investing Students Will Too If You Miss This One Key)…
Part 1 of 2
Just take a good look around… many of the real estate gurus still espousing those old methods are losing properties and going out of business right and left.
The 600 Lb. Gorilla Falls – Part 2

The 600 Lb. Gorilla Falls — How A Simple Glimpse At THIS One Picture Could Have Saved Him His Shirt (And How It Can Save You Yours, Too!)
Part 2 of 2
Here he goes. The 600 lb. investing gorilla has made his ascent. And he is about to fall, big time. (Here is Part 1 in case you missed it.)
Now remember,
Real Estate Forecasting A Trip To The Beach

Choosing between Daytona and Vero beach, meant an additional $31,200 because of knowing their market cycles.
Ken Wade Vs. CNN

This next example is going to tick off the 600 pound gorillas in my space: FiServ Lending Solutions, along with and Fortune magazine.
FiServ handles all the big banks and Wall Street firms – I’m a little peon compared to them.
But what the hell, you deserve to know the truth… so here goes…
CNN teamed up with FiServ to publish a detailed local market analysis.
The Vegas ‘Massive Money Secret’

Buffets, roulette wheels, buffets, magicians, more buffets. Ok, Las Vegas has a little something for everyone! But… maybe not for the real estate investor.
You probably know someone who has bought in Vegas or at least considered investing there, maybe even you have. Well, what you’re about to read is going to challenge how you view real estate investing,