Real Estate Strategy Blog
Published March 31, 2017
Half of all real estate
markets losing value Qtr-over-Qtr
Almost 1/5th of all markets losing value Yr-over-Yr
I just got back from a real estate mastermind conference; lots of very smart investors. NONE of them knew that nearly 1/5th of all major US real estate markets are now in decline.
They were blown away when I showed them the list (scroll down).
There are two ways to analyze any market; by its ‘Fundamental’ attributes or by its ‘Technical’ charts.
With the advent of personal computing and the internet, TA has become the dominant methodology for predicting stock, bond, commodity and currency market cycles worldwide.
TA is used by ALL major investment banks and international trading desks as the underlying basis for TRILLIONS of dollars in DAILY investment transactions.
Charts showing the annual appreciation or decline in real estate values over time are visual snapshots of Supply & Demand forces in action. Technical Analysis (TA) relies on these charts because they accurately reflect what ACTUALLY happened.
ANY and ALL Fundamental factors that can and did influence real estate values in THAT market,
The STAR momentum indicators show the ‘energy’ behind any market. For a sustained up-cycle, it MUST be supported by momentum. Market Psychology influences momentum but is not the only driver.
The first step in locating investment candidates is evaluating the STAR indicators. Each of the six ‘triggers’ represent a distinct Technical Analysis (TA) ‘event.’
The left-most columns are Short-Term triggers and carry far less significance than the Long-Term indicators on the right.
The TAPS (Technical Analysis Point Score) indicator is an easy to understand, graphical way to show the results of complex Technical Analysis (TA) ‘Studies.’
The simple ‘slider ball’ can move a total of five notches starting from far left (Weak) to far right (Strong).
If the ball position has moved since the prior period,
Risks You Can’t Afford…
Imagine piling your family into your car in the middle of a cold, dark, rainy night then speeding down a twisting mountain road, never turning on your headlights, or buckling their seat belts.
You’d NEVER consider doing that, not even for a second; it’d be irresponsible and just plain crazy.
Ever since there’ve been markets and cycles, investors have been trying to predict what’s going to happen next. You can reap huge rewards if you get that one piece of information correct.
Trillions of dollars and billions of man-hours have been spent over the last 100 years trying to figure out how to best predict market cycles.
It’s The Exact Opposite of How You Build Lasting Wealth
All appreciation is NOT the same. And it’s not all equal, despite the way everyone from the experts to the financial news guys throw around the term. The truth is, when it comes to real estate, there are two types of appreciation:
Forced and Automatic.
(The Proof CNN Won’t Show You, Inside)
My apologies in advance to CNN. I’m not trying to make them look foolish. It’s just that the facts are the facts, and you need to know them. (If you like when the Big Guys look foolish, you MUST see the latest Real Estate Market Report)
Apologies completed,
It Had Nothing To Do With Me Or My Hard Work
For many years I searched up and down the East Coast – from Pennsylvania to Georgia – looking for hot markets to invest in.
I built a big in-house team of sales people, acquisition specialists and support staff. We had lots of mouths to feed so we had to keep the deal pipeline filled.
(And How They Can Drive Investors Bankrupt!)
There are lots of folks and companies out there who attempt to track the housing market. In fact, they almost all use the same form of Fundamental Analysis – combined with median prices – so it’s all a wild guess on their part, cloaked under the ILLUSION of some analysis.
You’ve always heard real estate moves in cycles… but what does that mean?
More importantly, how can YOU profit from it?
As a general rule, prices for most things are stable (not cyclical) because changes in demand are quickly offset by adjusting supply. If you’re a widget manufacturer and more people want widgets,