Real Estate Strategy Blog

List of 11 Declining Markets Year-Over-Year

Published December 28, 2020
Inflation Adjusted Home - Housing Alerts

11 U.S. Markets Lost Value Year-Over-Year

On a ‘real’ (inflation-adjusted) basis, home prices declined Year-over-Year (YoY) in ONLY 11 of the 405 largest real estate markets nationwide.

That’s the second strongest overall U.S. real estate market performance since just before the last real estate crash!

Four of the declining markets are in California.

List of 101 Declining Markets Qtr-Over-Qtr

Published December 17, 2020
Inflation Adjusted Home - Housing Alerts

25% Of US Housing Markets
Declined Qtr-Over-Qtr

Currently, 101 markets (25% of all U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines in property values compared to the prior Quarter.

For the same period last year 98 markets (24%) saw Q-O-Q declines.

Note: Because of seasonal variations between quarters,

List of 58 Declining Markets Qtr-Over-Qtr

Published September 24, 2020
Inflation Adjusted Home - Housing Alerts

14% Of US Housing Markets
Declined Qtr-Over-Qtr

Currently, 58 markets (14% of all U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines in property values compared to the prior Quarter.

For the same period last year 69 markets (17%) saw Q-O-Q declines.

Note: Because of seasonal variations between quarters,

List of 7 Declining Markets Year-Over-Year

Published September 16, 2020
Inflation Adjusted Home - Housing Alerts

7 U.S. Markets Lost Value Year-Over-Year

On a ‘real’ (inflation-adjusted) basis, home prices declined Year-over-Year (YoY) in ONLY 7 of the 405 largest real estate markets nationwide.

That’s the strongest overall U.S. real estate market performance since just before the last real estate crash!

All the declining markets are in California or Texas.

List of 62 Declining Markets Qtr-Over-Qtr

Published June 23, 2020
Inflation Adjusted Home - Housing Alerts

15% Of US Housing Markets
Declined Qtr-Over-Qtr

Currently, 62 markets (15% of all U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines in property values compared to the prior Quarter.

For the same period last year 175 markets (43%) saw Q-O-Q declines.

Note: Because of seasonal variations between quarters,

Real Estate Market Crash?

Published June 10, 2020

For months, the so-called experts and gurus have been warning about the coming COVID-19 induced nationwide real estate market crash.

They point to these dire 'Fundamentals' as the reason why...


Along with that, they also say the misfortunes of others will bring good fortune and amazing opportunities for wholesalers and flippers.

Inspiring, Heartwarming Case Study

Here's a real life case study to keep you inspired and motivated.

As a numbers guy, it takes a lot to get me choked up. Let's just say there was a lot of dust in the air when I read this email from one of our long-time members,  Mark Grange.

After joining in 2012,

Coronavirus and Real Estate Markets

Published April 28, 2020
We're In This Together

Everyone seems to have a hunch, a prediction… a wild-ass guess really… on where the real estate markets are heading.

They are all WRONG!

There will not be a single impact (one way or the other) affecting ALL local markets the same.

Just like the last time, some markets crashed, some flat-lined and some appreciated.

List of 28 Declining Markets Year-Over-Year

Published April 19, 2020
Inflation Adjusted Home - Housing Alerts

28 U.S. Markets Lost Value Year-Over-Year

Currently, 28 markets (7% of ALL U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines in property values over the last year.

In the previous quarter, 23 markets had annual home price declines

Although the number of declining markets is low by historical standards and remains at fairly healthy levels…

List of 184 Declining Markets Qtr-Over-Qtr

Published April 17, 2020
Inflation Adjusted Home - Housing Alerts

45% Of US Housing Markets
Declined Qtr-Over-Qtr

Currently, 184 markets (45% of all U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines in property values compared to the prior Quarter.

For the same period last year 189 markets (47%) saw Q-O-Q declines.

Note: Because of seasonal variations between quarters,

List of 98 Declining Markets Qtr-Over-Qtr

Published January 7, 2020
Declining Real Estate Markets

24% Of US Housing Markets
Declined Qtr-Over-Qtr

Currently, 98 markets (24% of all U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines in property values compared to the prior Quarter.

For the same period last year 104 markets (25%) saw Q-O-Q declines.

Note: Because of seasonal variations between quarters,

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