Published April 10, 2018


We’re now able to filter through thousands of zip codes and rank them in a single click. It may be the most powerful tool we’ve created in the last 12 years.

All EXISTING PRO members get this new zip code tool (at no extra charge).

If you’re not already a member, you can get in now.

Here are the hottest real estate zip codes for flipping and investing…


Homestead, FL 33034
Hottest Zip Codes for Real Estate Investing #1.Homestead, Florida 33034
Good Hope, GA 30641
Hottest Zip Codes for Real EstateInvesting #2.Good Hope, Georgia 30641
Conrad, IA 50621
Hottest Zip Codes for Real Estate Investing #3.Conrad, Iowa 50621
Rosemary Beach, FL 32461
Hottest Zip Codes for Real Estate Investing #4.Rosemary Beach, Florida 32461
Babson Park, FL 33827
Hottest Zip Codes for Real Estate Investing #5.Babson Park, Florida 33827
Mossyrock, WA 98564
Hottest Zip Codes for Real Estate Investing #6.Mossyrock, Washington 98564
Dundee, OH 44624
Hottest Zip Codes for Real Estate Investing #7.Dundee, Ohio 44624
Tampa, FL 33610
Hottest Zip Codes for Real Estate Investing #8.Tampa, Florida 33610
Burlington, MI 49029
Hottest Zip Codes for Real Estate Investing #9.Burlington, Michigan 49029

When looking at micro market data like zip codes and Census Tracts, be sure to check out the ‘parent’ (city-level) market’s technical and momentum scores. As a general rule, you want to find the hottest micro markets INSIDE the hottest macro markets.

The zip code markets above could truly be that ‘needle in a haystack’ but it’s always better when you can get confirmation from surrounding and nearby markets.

View the complete “State of the Real Estate Market” report here.

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