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59.5% Of US Housing Markets
Declined Qtr-Over-Qtr
Last quarter, 241 markets (59.5% of all U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines in property values compared to the prior Quarter.
For the same period last year 289 markets (71.3%) saw Q-O-Q declines.
Note: Because of seasonal variations between quarters, it’s best to compare Q-O-Q changes to the ‘year ago’ period rather than the immediately preceding quarter.
Many of the smaller metro markets continued their rise to the top of the appreciation charts last quarter. Surprisingly, some of the hottest ‘pandemic’ markets are working their way back up the appreciation charts too!
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Below is the list of cities with
declining Quarter-Over-Quarter home prices...
Note: These are 3-month percentage decline rates.
Multiply by 4 to get approximate annual equivalent (at current run rate).

If your markets are on this list, DON'T panic!
ONE data point, whether it's for a Quarter or a Year, doesn't necessarily mean it's time to buy, sell or hold... or do ANYTHING different, other than pay closer attention. That's where Technical Analysis (TA) comes in.
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