Market Reports

Best Markets for Highest Rent Growth

Published August 1, 2019
Rent Growth - Housing Alerts

We now track, analyze and score median rents paid for Single Family Residential (SFR) properties. We also compute the rental growth RATES for virtually all State, City, County and Zip Code level markets.

We then score and rank each market based on its rent growth and compare it to where it is in its appreciation cycle.

List of 175 Declining Markets Qtr-Over-Qtr

Published July 8, 2019
Advance Dedline

43% Of US Housing Markets
Declined Qtr-Over-Qtr

Currently, 175 markets (43% of all U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines in property values compared to the prior Quarter.

For the same period last year 146 markets (36%) saw Q-O-Q declines.

Note: Because of seasonal variations between quarters,

Top 10 States with Cheap Houses

Published June 26, 2019
House Value Finder - Housing Alerts Markets with the lowest priced properties are (almost) always the crummiest markets because they lack appreciation. Makes sense, right? If they were in hot, appreciating markets they wouldn’t be the cheapest for long! Here’s a list of the top 10 STATES, ranked by median house price.

List of 48 Declining Markets Year-Over-Year

Published June 13, 2019
Inflation Adjusted Home Price Apreciation - Housing Alerts

48 U.S. Markets Lost Value Year-Over-Year

Currently, 48 markets (12% of ALL U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines in property values over the last year.

In the previous quarter, 57 markets had annual home price declines

(See the entire list of declining markets below.)

In addition to the list of declining cities below,

Finding Cash Flow Properties in HOT Markets

Published May 22, 2019
Icon - Housing Alerts

Our new Cash Flow Finder tool is the only place on Planet Earth where a real estate investor can:
Instantly locate the best (and worst) markets for high cash flow properties. It gets even better…

Not only can you now list and rank, from BEST to WORST, every micro-market in the U.S. based on its likelihood to generate positive cash flow, you can ALSO instantly locate the rarest of all opportunities…

Best & Worst Counties – U.S. Map

Published May 15, 2019
Feature Images Best Worst Counties

For the last 18 months we’ve been locked-away in our lab developing FOUR game-changing new tools: Micro Market Ranking tool, House Value Finder, Cash Flow Finder, Rent Growth Tracker

I believe we’re the only ones on Planet Earth to offer Property Value, Cash Flow and Rent Growth market analysis tools, and we overlay those findings with EACH micro market’s local real estate cycle.

What’s the WORST State for Creating Real Estate Wealth?

Published May 7, 2019
State Market Radar

In our last blog post titled “The HOTTEST State for Real Estate”, we identify one state that is red-hot for investing right now.

In this article however, we’ll take a look at the WORST state for building real estate wealth. Its indicators show almost the polar opposite of the hottest state.

To find the weakest states,

What’s the HOTTEST State for Real Estate?

Published April 24, 2019
Housing Alerts Banner

There’s one state that’s crushing most of the other states in the country, with 85% of its real estate markets being in the top 7 percentile of ALL US markets, and 100% of its markets remain HOT.

It’s a state you wouldn’t normally think of, but clearly there’s something going on here that you should take a deeper look at.

List of 57 Declining Markets Year-Over-Year

Published April 13, 2019
Market Update - List of Markets with Declining Year-Over-Year Home Prices

57 U.S. Markets Lost Value Year-Over-Year

Currently, 57 markets (14% of ALL U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines in property values over the last year.

In the previous quarter, 58 markets had annual home price declines

(See the entire list of declining markets below.)

In addition to the list of declining cities below,

List of 189 Declining Markets Qtr-Over-Qtr

Published April 1, 2019
Advance Dedline

47% Of US Housing Markets
Declined Qtr-Over-Qtr

Currently, 189 markets (47% of all U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines in property values compared to the prior Quarter.

For the same period last year 187 markets (46%) saw Q-O-Q declines. While the ‘total’ number of declining markets are roughly the same,

List of 104 Declining Markets Qtr-Over-Qtr

Published December 14, 2018
Market Update-List of Markets with Declining Quarter-Over-Quarter Home Prices

26% Of US Housing Markets
Declined Qtr-Over-Qtr

Currently, 104 markets (26% of all U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines compared to the prior Quarter.

In the previous quarter, 73 markets (18%) declined.

148 markets (37%) saw Q-O-Q declines in the year ago period. (Because of possible seasonal variations,

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