The Ultimate Real Estate Investing Strategy?

If there’s one thing I learned at Harvard Business School, it’s to NEVER believe what other people say unless they back it up with PROOF. Especially when it comes to so-called “experts.”

It actually upsets me seeing so much misinformation being handed out by the media because 95% of it has absolutely no relevance to YOUR market. It’s worse than useless because it’s often dead-wrong and can cause serious harm if you follow it.

Consider this…

  • All real estate investing is LOCAL.
  • EVERY local market is DIFFERENT.
  • YOUR success DEPENDS on your ability to correctly match your investing goals and strategies to LOCAL market cycles and ACT accordingly…

Why? Because every local real estate market in the US moves according to its own unique rhythms and cycles. Sure, some big economic trends (like the 2008 Crash) have broad impact, but they affect every market DIFFERENTLY.

(Did you know there were dozens of markets that actually went UP in the middle of the 2008-2010 crash and dozens more that actually DECLINED during the peak 2005-2007 boom years?)

Let me introduce myself

Hello, I’m Ken Wade, Harvard M.B.A., C.P.A., and a veteran investor who’s done hundreds of real estate deals over the past 30 years totaling well over $100MM.

More importantly, I’m a left-brained, analytical numbers Geek!

Besides doing tons of real estate deals, for the last 30 years I’ve channeled my obsession with COLD HARD DATA into developing a real estate market analysis system that accurately predicts local real estate cycles.

You see, early in my career one of my real estate investment companies traversed the Mid-Atlantic region looking for great real estate DEALS. Although we found and acquired plenty of good DEALS wherever we looked, only some of those deals made me look like a genius and built wealth; the others made me feel like an idiot and were a royal pain in my neck!

The difference?

For true real estate wealth you must
target hot MARKETS, not hot DEALS.

You can find ‘deals’ anywhere, in any market, anytime. ‘Deals’ won’t make you wealthy; they’ll only increase your risk exposure, saddle you with a ‘job’ and tie-up your resources.

After decades of intense work I did it; developed a local-market-based system that identifies hot and emerging real estate markets with extreme accuracy. In 2006 I released an automated, online version (called ‘Housing Alerts’) to well-heeled real estate investors.

It worked! Those who followed the system were spared the bloodbath of the market crash.

Avoiding losses in real estate is critical,
but only part of the wealth equation.

You must also avoid wasting your time, money and talent in flat or dead markets. They often drag on for decades and suck the life right out of you.

Those exact same indicators that accurately warn of coming market declines also tell you, on a local market-by-market basis, precisely where and when you SHOULD invest.

Thousands of investors have been proving it for over a decade.

If you’re anything like me, and NEVER believe what other people say unless it’s backed-up with PROOF, I invite you to get educated by revieiwng some of our training videos.

SEE the proof for yourself.

With my HousingAlerts system you can…

  • Target the best Zip Codes and NEIGHBORHOODS to save thousands a month off your lead acquisition costs.
  • Locate, in a single click, the HOTTEST (and Weakest) micro markets nationwide, or within any City, County or Zip Code.
  • Avoid wasting all your time, talent and capital in dead-end, weak and declining MICRO MARKETS.
  • Utilize the TWO MOST POWERFUL principles in real estate investing: leverage and appreciation (ignore at your own peril)
  • Harness the power of AUTOMATIC appreciation – you’ll only ever have a real estate JOB – not a true investment – (and how to avoid that)
  • Maximize MARKET MOMENTUM as the true driver of appreciation (and depreciation) in EVERY local market – and be able to TRACK IT!
  • Use our super-simple RED, YELLOW, GREEN indicator system to guide your decisions about where and when to invest (you’ve NEVER seen anything like this)
  • Review all your selected markets AND Micro Markets to put these principles in action… (this isn’t THEORY – it’s DATA)

To your success!

Ken Wade
Harvard M.B.A., C.P.A.
Owner –

Market Cycles Will Make or Break You

Maybe you’ve heard that more millionaires were made by real estate than anything else? It’s also true that more fortunes were destroyed by it than anything else. In both cases (wealth vs. bankruptcy), there were only two key factors at work: LEVERAGE and APPRECIATION. If you want to unlock these powerful forces, you need to understand how Market Cycles work.

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